Ivan Usher

20 May 1934 - 31 August 2017

Ivan鈥檚 company was enjoyed by so many at Loughborough College 1955-58. Like many other students, Ivan was required to complete 2 years of National Service before continuing his ambition to spend 3 years at Loughborough.

Football was at the front of Ivan’s life. Fortunately when his time to serve his Queen arrived he was delighted to hear that the East Yorkshire Regiment was short of footballers and travelling to Malaya.

Ivan was the man to resolve the problem in the Far East in 1955/56. During this time Malaya blossomed out to activity in Korea with the addition of a Korean medal. The time arrived for Ivan to return to the UK but no ship or aircraft was available. We understand that Ivan challenged himself to swim home, he was sure to impress Mr Bert Kinnear. However, Ivan was modest and decided to travel home later. This meant that he was unable to get accommodation in the Halls of residence and he spent his first year in digs.

In his 2nd and 3rd years he was welcomed into the Grove and became a most popular member in many events. Extremely proud of his Yorkshire heritage and favourite words ey up, flipping heck and nowt, was much in evidence.

Enthusiasm, involvement and comradeship epitomised Ivan whether it was playing football with gusto for the Loughborough soccer team or putting boundaries on adventurous activities (canoeing, sailing, camping or social activities) at the Grove and also in including being at the forefront of escapades during rag weeks.

One of the most important social activities at the Grove was the round the corridors relays – manic running down narrow corridors and many flights of stairs. Ivan performed the opening ceremony as per Olympics. Ivan in his long johns jogged across the garden lawn, picked up by car headlights into the ball room. He climbed up on top of a double table arrangement and reached out to switch on the table light. Yes this was the Olympic event and the beginning started there and then.

Of particular memory was his ability, especially with his close friend, Mike Towers to find some really off beat pubs including 1 with a western theme with sawdust on the floor and spittoons in use.

Ivan did well at Loughborough and in 2009 the University recognised this with the award of Bachelor of Arts – ‘Honorus Causa’

Ivan’s presence would be much in evidence wherever he went and he made best use of all he got involved with.

Extremely loyal and supportive of friends and a number were appreciative of his consideration and help at all times.

He is remembered with a smile and fondness by many of his generation.