Three alumni selected to join the Alumni Advisory Board

Headshot images of James Kirtland, Angela Shepherd and Phil Tulba

James Kirtland, Angela Shepherd and Phil Tulba

Following an application and interview process, three alumni have been selected as the newest members of the Alumni Advisory Board.

Applications were open to all alumni during July, and almost 100 applications were submitted.

James Kirtland, Angela Shepherd and Phil Tulba have each been selected for three-year-long terms on the Board.

Their areas of expertise will help the Alumni Advisory Board to offer support to the University in line with its strategy, Creating Better Futures. Together. Between them, they will bring a raft of experience across themes such as Vibrant and Inclusive Communities, Climate Change and Net Zero, and Partnerships. 

James and Angela are both based in the USA. James graduated in 1995 with a degree in Retail Management and has spent his career working in advertising and brand related roles for organisations such as American Express, where until late 2022 he was Global Head of Agency Partnerships – Global Advertising & Brand Management. Now, James is a consultant, and he is passionate about the value of partnership building.

Angela has much experience in external and corporate communications. She’s also held positions related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and most recently as Senior Director - Global Sustainability Engagement at Nike, where she first started out on placement from her Loughborough degree in the late 90s when she was studying Politics with French. Having built her career across these varied areas, Angela brings knowledge and experience to several of the University’s strategic areas.

UK based alumnus Phil graduated with a BSc in Physical Education and Sports Science in 1998 and continued to study an MSc in Information Technology at Loughborough, graduating in 1999. He was training as an athlete on campus with the late George Gandy and continued to live in Loughborough for several years after his studies. Phil is keen to contribute to the Vibrant and Inclusive Communities area of work. He currently runs a consultancy. Phil has spent the last 20 years working with charities and social enterprises advocating for social justice and has been leading national efforts to build community wealth through a racial justice lens – experience he would like to bring to the Board.

Candidates were interviewed by the Alumni President, Dr Luke Stott, alongside members of staff from the Philanthropy, Alumni and Supporter Engagement team.

The three new members commence their three-year terms on 1 September 2024.

Congratulations and welcome to them, and many thanks to everyone who applied.

Thank you to our outgoing members of the Board; Edith Alusa, Elizabeth Byrne, Emma Fu and Danielle Sharpe.