Dr Andre Jesus


  • Lecturer in Structural Engineering

Research and expertise

I am a Lecturer in Structural Engineering and a member of the Structures and Materials research group.

My research interests fall broadly in the area of structural dynamics, including structural health monitoring of bridges and timber buildings, human-structure interaction effects with application for modal testing, and modelling of railway infrastructure under high-speed trains passage. One common aspect throughout my research is the use of advanced probabilistic methods to describe different sources of uncertainty, which inevitably undermine data interpretation and damage detection strategies.

I have authored several scientific publications, including a “best paper” award by the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. My research has been funded by three projects, developed in collaboration with leading academic and industrial partners. I welcome enquiries from postgraduates who wish to study for a PhD in my areas of research interest.

Current research activity

  • Andre Jesus and Stana 沤ivanovic. Modal testing with a pedestrian as a vibration exciter, Mechanical Systems, and Signal processing.
  • Xiaodong Xu and Andre Jesus, Rapid Prediction of Fibre-dominant Tensile Failure in Randomly Oriented Strands, 20th European Conference on Composite Materials
  • Luis Silva, Andre Jesus and Gabriele Milani, Rapid Design of Masonry Structures using Gaussian Process Emulation, XXV Convegno AIMETA, Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2022 

Recently completed research projects 

  • SIMPLES – Spectral Identification of Modal Properties in Lightweight Structures

Recent publications

  • Andre Jesus and Stana 沤ivanovic (2023). Modal testing with a pedestrian as a vibration exciter. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 189, 110082,
  • Xu, X., Andre Jesus, Wan, Y., & Takahashi, J. (2024). A stochastic modelling framework for predicting flexural properties of ultra-thin randomly oriented strands. Advanced Composite Materials, 1–15,


I have developed and led several modules during my appointment as a Lecturer in Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of the West of England and the University of Warwick. Topics covered in these modules ranged from basic and fundamental aspects in engineering principles up to more specific and applied engineering subjects, e.g., reinforced concrete and seismic performance-based design.

I contribute to learning and teaching activities across the Schools programmes including: 


  • Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures
  • Analysis & Design of Steel and Timber Structures
  • Supervision of dissertations on topics aligned to my research interests


  • Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  • Supervision of dissertations on topics aligned to my research interests


Current projects 

  • SIMPLES – Spectral Identification of Modal Properties in Lightweight Structures

Recently completed projects

  • Determining material properties for advanced composites using machine learning techniques, FET engagement project. 
  • The University of the West of England Raspberry Pi cluster 
  • Precaseismic
  • Smartrack – SysteM dynamics Assessment of Railway TRACKs: a vehicle-infrastructure integrated approach – PTDC/EME-PME/101419/2008


I gained my MSc degree in 2010 at the Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal), and during my stud-ies I participated in the Socrates Erasmus programme at the Roma La Sapienza University.

I worked on a high-speed trains project called Smartrack, where I developed expertise in full-scale modelling of railway infrastructure under dynamic loading. In 2014 I started my PhD at the University of Warwick (UK) which was concluded in 2018. I have authored several scientific publications related to Structural Health Monitoring in long suspension bridges in the UK and abroad, achieving a “best paper” award by the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. 

Between 2010 and 2017 I worked as a teaching fellow for the Nova University of Lisbon and the University of Warwick, respectively, lecturing modules of solid dynamics, continuum mechanics, structural analysis and concrete structures. In 2019 I was appointed as a Lecturer in Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where I developed additional expertise in human-structure interaction. I have also developed and taught BsC and MsC modules in the Civil Engineering Programme, such as Computational Civil Engineering, and Nonlinear Structural Analysis, among other subjects. In 2022 I joined the Structures and Materials research group at 亚洲情色 as a Lecturer in Structural Engineering. 

Professional Affiliations

  • Portuguese Engineering Association – Ordem dos Engenheiros
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Member of the Engineering Modelling and Simulation Group at UWE
  • Member of the “Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling”
  • Member collaborator of “UNIC - The Research Center in Structures and Construction of the Nova, University of Lisbon”


ID: 666E 7DBA

Fingerprint: EB69 89DC 8621 0697 CF75 A20C 5549 B71A 666E 7DBA


  • December 2017 – recipient of the “Best Paper” award as lead author of a paper published in the proceedings of the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure conference (SHMII 2017, Brisbane)
  • April 2017 – Winner of the best oral presentation competition in the civil research group, School of Engineering University of Warwick

External activities

  • Visiting Professor at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy (2023-present)
  • Member of the Engineering Modelling and Simulation Group at the University of the West of England
  • Member of the “Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling”
  • Expert reviewer of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Key Collaborators

My research and enterprise activities are conducted with a range of academic and stakeholder partners, including:

  • University of Exeter
  • Dr Sam Allen and Dr Glen Blenkinsop from Motor Control & Biomechanics of Sport at 亚洲情色
  • NOVA, University of Lisbon
  • University of Bristol
  • Oregon State University
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Polytechnic University of Milan
  • Consultants: Cundall