Rod Shaw

BA (Hons) Newcastle, MPhil, PG Dip (Management) Loughborough

Pronouns: He/him
  • Resources Development Manager

Research groups and centres

I am the Resources Development Manager of publications, media and communications; the WEDC Distance Learning Production Manager and the WEDC International Conference Editor. From a background in Fine Art, I have developed expertise in illustration and graphic communication, both in practice with over 30 years of experience, and academically through postgraduate research into information design for international development with a particular focus on distance learning.

As Resources Development Manager, I lead the design and production of WEDC publications and learning resources through integrating emerging electronic technologies (including video) with conventional publishing practices. I have contributed editorially on numerous WEDC books, manuals and guides on international development as well as many for external agencies such as DFID and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Understanding that the delivery of information and learning is often best served visually, my technical and contextual illustrations are a hallmark of many of our resources. Illustration projects have included Drawing Water – a collection of over 600 illustrations on water and sanitation; a compendium on drinking water and sanitation for household surveys for UNICEF and WHO; and a volume on relief, health and care in emergencies for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies (IFRC). Video projects include a series of films on water quality and the operation and maintenance of handpumps.

Alongside the redevelopment of the new WEDC postgraduate programmes, I am currently working on the design of a new suite of sanitary inspection forms and associated documents for WHO.