
Department of Materials


Professor Geoff Wilcox BSc, PhD, FIMF

Photo of Professor Geoff Wilcox

Emeritus Professor of Surface Engineering and Corrosion


Geoff read for a degree in Metallurgy and Materials Science at Nottingham University.  He subsequently completed a Ph.D. at 亚洲情色 in 1986. He joined the Department of Chemistry, at 亚洲情色 in 1986 as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant, moving to the Department of Materials, at 亚洲情色 in 1989 as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant and subsequently a Research Fellow. 

In 1996 Geoff took up a Lectureship in Materials Engineering, in the Department of Materials, 亚洲情色, moving on to a Senior Lectureship in 2001.

He was appointed Reader in Surface Engineering in 2007 and Professsor of Surface Engineering and Corrosion in 2015.


  • B.Sc.(Hons)  Metallurgy and Materials Science, Nottingham University
  • Ph.D. 亚洲情色 1986, ‘Molybdate-Based Passivation Treatments For Tin, Tinplate and Zinc’, SERC CASE with the International Tin Research Institute
  • FIMF Fellow of the Institute of Materials Finishing.

Key Awards:

  • Institute of Metal Finishing Westinghouse Prize 2005
  • Abner Brenner Silver Medal, American Electroplaters & Surface Finishers’ Society 1999


Outline of main research interests:

The surface modification of materials, especially metals using electrochemical processes.  This encompasses electrodeposition, electroless deposition, passivation and corrosion processes. Current projects include the degradation of tin and zinc surfaces through whisker growth, composite electrodeposition and the formation of metallic coatings through electrodeposition from ionic liquids

Grants and contracts:

  • Newalloy, EU Craft, 2001 – 2003
  • Electrotech, European Comission, 2002 – 2004
  • Toxic metal replacements in aerospace, EPSRC, 2005 – 2008
  • Protection mechanisms for trivalent and hexavalent conversion coatings on zinc and zinc alloys, Mac Dermid plc, 2005 – 2008
  • Etching of plastics without the use of hexavalent chromium, McDermid Plc, 2007 – 2010
  • Galvanic corrosion investigation between HVOF and sacrificial metal coatings, Airbus, 2009 – 2012
  • Manufacturing and in-service tin whisker mitigation strategies for high value electronics, IeMRC/EPSRC, 2010 – 2013
  • KTP Project with Mac Dermid plc, 2012 – 2014
  • Replacement for Cr(vi) in aerospace applications, TSB, 2013 – 2015
  • Colouring of Stainless Steels, Rimex Metals, 2013 – 2016
  • Conformal Coatings for tin whisker mitigation, Enterprise Grant, 2014 – 2016
  • Microstructural and corrosion characterisation of aluminium alloys, Constellium, 2013 – 2016



Current teaching responsibilities:

  • MPB105 Electrochemical Technology
  • MPC022 Materials Properties and Applications
  • MPC014 Materials in Service
  • MPC102 Fracture and Failure
  • MPC108 Surface Engineering
  • MPP207 Surface Engineering

Current administrative responsibilities:

  • Member of School Health and Safety Committee


Recent publications: 

33 journal papers, conference papers and presentations in the last five years including:

  • Wang, J, Ashworth, MA, Wilcox, GD "An investigation into the role of lead as a suppressant for tin whisker growth in electronics", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 4(4), pp.727, 2014
  • Qin, Y., Wilcox, G.D. and Liu, C., ''Electrodeposition and Characterisation of Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Alloys for Flip-Chip Interconnection'', Electrochimica Acta, 56, pp 183, 2010
  • P.P.Chung, P.A.Cantwell, G.D.Wilcox and G.W.Critchlow, ‘Electrodeposition of zinc-manganese alloy coatings from ionic liquid electrolytes.’, Trans. Inst. Met. Fin. 86, 211, 2008
  • Keming Chen and Geoffrey D. Wilcox, ‘Tin-manganese alloy electrodeposits. II Corrosion performance’J.Electrochem. Soc., 155(2), c53, 2008.

Selected publications:

  • Qin, Y., Wilcox, G.D. and Liu, C., ''Electrodeposition and Characterization of Eutectic Sn-Ag Alloy as Solder Bumps for Flip-Chip Interconnection'', Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156(10), pp D424, 2009
  • ‘An EXAFS Investigation of Molybdate-based Conversion Coatings’, Wilcox GD, Ross DH, Treacy GM, Wharton JA, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 33[7], 553-561, (2003).
  • ‘Observations of the Spontaneous Growth of Tin Whiskers on Tin-Manganese Alloy Electrodeposits’, Wilcox GD, Chen K. Physical Review Letters, 94[6], 066104, (2005).
  • ‘Development of a Bath for Electrodeposition of Zinc-Cobalt Compositionally Modulated Alloy Multilayered Coatings’, Wilcox GD, Bahrololoom ME, Gabe DR, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 150(3), 144-151, (2003)


External Collaborators: 

  • Universities of Oxford, Sheffield Hallam
  • Daido Metals Ltd
  • MacDermid Inc
  • QinetiQ
  • Goodrich
  • Concrete Preservation Ltd
  • Henkel
  • Dana Glacier Vandervell Bearings
  • Tata Steel
  • Airbus
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Aero Engine Controls
  • Gen 3 Systems
  • NPL
  • Park Air Systems Ltd.
  • Rimex Metals
  • Constellium
  • HumiSeal Europe Ltd.

External roles and appointments:

  • Editorial Board of Transactions of the Institute of Materials Finishing
  • Publications Committee of the Institute of Materials Finishing
  • Science Committee of the Institute of Materials Finishing
  • Director of the Institute of Materials Finishing