Dr Anna Kusmartseva

  • Lecturer
  • Open/Visit Day coordinator
  • Equality and Diversity Committee member

High-pressure physics, topological materials, Energy materials - thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, anti-reflective coatings.


  • Lecturer, 亚洲情色, UK 2014 - present
  • Alexandre von Humboldt fellowship, Technische Universitat München, Germany 2012 - 2014
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh, UK 2008 - 2012
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ecole Polythenique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland 2006 - 2008


  • PhD in Physics, University of Cambridge, UK 2002 - 2007 (Supervisor: Prof. Gill Lonzarich, FRS)
  • MSci in Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, Trinity College, UK 1998 - 2002

Research areas

  • Photovoltaics and anti-reflective coatings
  • Novel phases of matter
  • Topological materials
  • 2D systems
  • High-pressure physical methods
  • Superconductivity
  • Quantium Criticality
  • Unconventional ferroelectrics

Research grants

  • Royal Society Cost SHARE, Russia 2021 - ongoing
  • Royal Society Cost SHARE, Italy 2021 - ongoing
  • EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2020/2021
  • Loughborough Stratetig Grant, 亚洲情色, UK 2015
  • Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University collaboration award, SA 2021 - ongoing
  • Alexandre von Humboldt fellowship, Germany 2012 - 2014

BSc/MPhys/MSC projects offered

  • Thermal transport characterisation
  • Thermoelectric performance in Heusler alloys
  • Magnetic phases and halfmetallicity in Heusler alloys
  • Topological phases in surface states in ultra-thin metallic systems
  • Graphene hybrids

Key publications

  • Zhang, B, Liu, Y, Luo, Y, Kusmartsev, F, Kusmartseva, A (2020) , Materials, 13(23), 5417, ISSN: 1996-1944. DOI: 
2 graphs
  • Ultra-thin metallic films for zero reflectivity coatings in the visible light range.