Dr Antonio Cutrona

  • Research Fellow

2023 – to date: Research Associate in Photonics at the Emergent Photonics Research Centre, 亚洲情色

2019 - 2023: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics at the University of Sussex, UK.

2019 – Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Sussex

Sep 2017 - Oct 2019: Laurea Magistrale (LM) in Ingegneria Elettronica at Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy.

Sep 2014 - Jul 2017: Laurea (L) in Ingegneria Elettronica at Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy.

  • Nonlinear Optics
  • Dissipative Solitons
  • Terahertz waves
  • Microcombs and Optical frequency combs
  • Microwaves

[1] L. Olivieri, J. S. T. Gongora, L. Peters, V. Cecconi, A. Cutrona, J. Tunesi, R. Tucker, A. Pasquazi, and M. Peccianti, "Hyperspectral terahertz microscopy via nonlinear ghost imaging," Optica 7(2), 186 (2020).

[2] J. S. Totero Gongora, L. Olivieri, L. Peters, J. Tunesi, V. Cecconi, A. Cutrona, R. Tucker, V. Kumar, A. Pasquazi, and M. Peccianti, "Route to Intelligent Imaging Reconstruction via Terahertz Nonlinear Ghost Imaging," Micromachines 11(5), 521 (2020).

[3] A. Cutrona, P.-H. Hanzard, M. Rowley, J. S. Totero-Gongora, M. Peccianti, B. A. Malomed, G.-L. Oppo, and A. Pasquazi, "Temporal cavity solitons in a laser-based microcomb: a path to a self-starting pulsed laser without saturable absorption," Opt. Express 29(5), 6629 (2021).

[4] M. Rowley, P.-H. Hanzard, A. Cutrona, H. Bao, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, R. Morandotti, D. J. Moss, G.-L. Oppo, J. S. Totero Gongora, M. Peccianti, and A. Pasquazi, "Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavity," Nature 608(7922), 303–309 (2022).

[5] A. Cutrona, M. Rowley, D. Das, L. Olivieri, L. Peters, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, R. Morandotti, D. J. Moss, J. S. T. Gongora, M. Peccianti, and A. Pasquazi, "High parametric efficiency in laser cavity-soliton microcombs," Opt. Express 30(22), 39816–39825 (2022).

[6] L. Olivieri, L. Peters, V. Cecconi, A. Cutrona, M. Rowley, J. S. Totero Gongora, A. Pasquazi, and M. Peccianti, "Terahertz Nonlinear Ghost Imaging via Plane Decomposition: Toward Near-Field Micro-Volumetry," ACS Photonics acsphotonics.2c01727 (2023).

[7] A. Cutrona, M. Rowley, A. Bendahmane, V. Cecconi, L. Peters, L. Olivieri, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, S. Stivala, R. Morandotti, D. J. Moss, J. S. Totero Gongora, M. Peccianti, and A. Pasquazi, "Stability of laser cavity-solitons for metrological applications," Appl. Phys. Lett. 122(12), 121104 (2023).

[8] A. Cutrona, V. Cecconi, P. H. Hanzard, M. Rowley, D. Das, A. Cooper, L. Peters, L. Olivieri, B. Wetzel, R. Morandotti, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, J. S. Totero Gongora, M. Peccianti, and A. Pasquazi, "Nonlocal bonding of a soliton and a blue-detuned state in a microcomb laser," Commun. Phys. 6(1), 259 (2023).

[9] V. Cecconi, V. Kumar, J. Bertolotti, L. Peters, A. Cutrona, L. Olivieri, A. Pasquazi, J. S. Totero Gongora, and M. Peccianti, "Terahertz Spatiotemporal Wave Synthesis in Random Systems," ACS Photonics 11(2), 362–368 (2024).

[10] L. Peters, D. Rocco, L. Olivieri, U. Arregui Leon, V. Cecconi, L. Carletti, C. Gigli, G. Della Valle, A. Cutrona, J. S. Totero Gongora, G. Leo, A. Pasquazi, C. De Angelis, and M. Peccianti, "Resonant Fully Dielectric Metasurfaces for Ultrafast Terahertz Pulse Generation," Adv. Opt. Mater. n/a(n/a), 2303148 (n.d.).


Founder and former President of the 亚洲情色 OPTICA Student Chapter

Codeveloper of Chroma, an Android app for outreach in Optics

  • Reviewer for the following journals:
    • Photonics Journal
    • Optics Express
    • Optics Letters
    • Journal for the Optical Society of America B
    • Applied Physics Letters
    • OSA Continuum
    • Applied Optics
    • MDPI Electronics
    • Nature Communications