Centre for Service Management

CSM Doctoral Colloquium

Centre for Service Management Doctoral Colloquium 2016

Date: Thursday, 28th January 2016

Time: 9.00 - 17.00
Location: ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«, Clyde Williams building


About the Colloquium:

Welcome to the first Centre for Service Management Doctoral Colloquium which will be held at ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« on Thursday, 28th January, 2016. The Colloquium will offer a stimulating environment for students from across all stages of their doctoral research journeys, to share, discuss and debate current and emerging services-related research.


Unifying Services Research: Shared interests, shared insights and shared outcomes

Keynote Speakers:

  • , CTF Service Research Centre, Karlstad University, Sweden
  • Professor Tom Jackson, Associate Dean [Research], School of Business and Economics, ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«
  • , Senior Lecturer in Interprofessional Studies, Swansea University

All enquiries should please be directed to the organisers and .


Aims of the Colloquium

  • To provide a nurturing environment for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their services related research
  • To provide workshops aimed at building critical research skills
  • To ‘unify’ young services researchers and promote opportunities for critical debates in the services research field

For students interested in presenting

The day will be organised around doctoral student presentations, posters sessions and academic staff workshops. Click on the drop-down menu below for details on the posters and presentations. 

Doctoral presentations and poster sessions

The CSM Doctoral Colloquium 2016 is dedicated to providing PhD students with the opportunity to present their work in a supportive environment, and receive encouraging feedback from leading academics in their field. Opportunities are available to deliver either a formal presentation or a poster presentation.

Thesis topics can be anything related to services research, with common themes likely to include:

  • Marketing
  • Retail
  • Service Operations Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Innovation
  • Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human Resources Management
  • E-Government, E-services & E-business
  • Public Services Management



Students will be invited to present for 15 minutes, with 5 minutes for discussion afterwards.

Posters will be displayed throughout the day, and authors will be asked to stand by their poster over the lunch break to discuss their work and answer any questions.


‌‌Prizes will be given for the best presentation and posters on the day.

Registration and Standby List

Registration update

The Doctoral Colloquium is now fully booked.

If you are interested in attending the event but you have not registered already, please register now to be included in the standby list: registration form 

We will do our best to find a place for you! 

If you have already registered with a poster or presentation, you will be informed by the beginning of January whether your abstracts/posters were successful.


Alongside PhD presentations and posters, the Colloquium will offer a number of workshops aimed at building key skills for doctoral researchers.

Students can attend two workshops, one in each session. There is a limited number of places for each workshop, so students are strongly encouraged to select their preferred workshop in advance.

Click on the drop-down menus below for details on the workshops being offered.

Funding opportunities for early career researchers: Ms Priti Meredith

Funding opportunities for early career researchers 

‌Priti Meredith

‌‌This one-hour workshop will focus on the opportunities available to newly qualified researchers to help broaden their networks and increase their knowledge and experience of research funding. The workshop includes; advice on where to register to become research proposal evaluators; raising awareness of the Erasmus exchange scheme; and how to source relevant funding opportunities.

‌The second half of the workshop will take the audience through Research Professional, a funding opportunities database which allows researchers to search for research funding in all disciplines from a wide range of sponsors in the UK and overseas.

How to create awareness for your research: Prof Thorsten Gruber

How to create awareness for your research

Prof Thorsten Gruber

‌The role of academic impact is becoming increasingly important in academia. Academic impact is defined as the influence academics have upon another academics or researchersUniversities normally use journal rankings and journal impact factors to assess the academic impact of individual academics. More recently, however, citation counts for individual articles have been used as well.

Especially PhD students and early career researchers now have to carefully and strategically plan research projects and actively create awareness for their good work. Citation scores may also be important for recruitment, tenure and promotion decisions.

The workshop will therefore cover the following topics: Why are citations important, what influences the number of citations, which metrics are available, and, most importantly, how can PhD students and early career researchers create awareness for their work and improve citation scores?

Transition from PhD to academia: Dr Alok Choudhary

Transition from PhD to academia

Dr Alok Choudhary

Transitioning from PhD to academia can be very challenging and stressful. In this session, I will discuss my personal experience and provide practical advice about steps a PhD can take to maximize their chances for getting an academic job just after or before their PhD.

This session will discuss:

  • What is broadly expected in an academic role including its four different dimensions 1) research 2) teaching 3) leadership, management and administration and 4) professional and external Standing.  I will also emphasis on the broad domain of research including research publication, research collaboration, research funding, research impact and research visibility. 
  • I will provide some best practices for each area of academic jobs. I will discuss some success recipes to distinguish a PhD from other competitors in the job market. 
  • This session will provide some video cases from recent PhDs, who successfully managed to get a lectureship before finishing their PhDs and the factors which helped them to get a job in the UK. You will also hear from some of the UK’s leading academics from top UK universities, who has great deal of experience in recruiting new lecturers about their expectations, when they recruit a new lecturer.
  • Finally, I will highlight what one should do in addition to their PhD during their 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of PhD to not only prepare them but also distinguish them from competition in the job market.

Visualise your PhD – Poster design: Dr Nicola Bateman

Visualise your PhD – Poster Design

Dr Nicola Bateman

This workshop is about how to design a poster to best showcase your research. Posters are a great way to engage other researchers and industrial partners in work.  

We will be considering how to reflect the narrative of your research in the poster format.  The workshop will focus on data presentation, use of images, flow of poster elements and ‘must have’ details.  Attendees will have the chance to critique existing posters and are encouraged to bring along their own designs either finished or in progress.

Advancing your early academic career: Dr Ian Hodgkinson

Advancing your early academic career

Dr Ian Hodgkinson

‌This workshop is designed for students from all years of PhD study who want insights into advancing their early academic career. Within this workshop we will consider the role of the ‘PhD pipeline’, its importance, and how to develop it for sustainable publications. Within this discussion we will address the merits of ‘publish or perish’ and what this means for balancing the demands of research, teaching, and administration.

Being a rounded academic is seldom a choice these days, with pressures to perform well on all fronts, having a strategy in place is therefore a necessity to maintaining and developing research of significance and value.

How to publish in top service journals: Prof Zoe Radnor

How to publish in top service journals

Professor Zoe Radnor

This will be a reviewers and editors' panel led by Professor Radnor. 

Doctoral students will be encourage to interact with the following academics: 

  • Dr Sharon Williams - Operations Management
  • Dr Vicky Story - Marketing 
  • Professor Bo Edvardsson - Service Management
  • Dr Ali Ataullah - Accounting and Finance
  • Dr Donald Hislop - Human Resources Management
  • Dr Julie Holland - Strategy and Innovation
  • Dr Ian Hodgkinson - Service Management

Important dates and networking information

  • Submission and Registration open: 12th October 2015
  • Submission and Registration deadline: 29th November 2015
  • Notification of authors: 10th January 2016
  • Conference: 28th January 2016


Two key themes of the Colloquium are to unify and share services related research. The Colloquium will provide ample refreshment breaks and a free lunch to stimulate debate and discuss current research. There will also be a dinner the evening before the Colloquium for those who wish to stay the preceding night in Loughborough.

Organising Committee

PhD Students: 

Academic lead:

Stay up to date

  • Website: 
  • Twitter: #CSMPhD2016