Regulation XVI

Tuition Fees and Payments for Other University Services

(Version effective from 1 August 2022)

Scope of Regulation

1. This regulation shall apply to all introductory studies, undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research students. In exceptional circumstances, the Academic Registrar may waive any of the requirements of this regulation in the case of individual students. Any such waiver shall be reported to the next meeting of Senate. For the subsequent paragraphs of this Regulation, the term "the Academic Registrar" should be interpreted as meaning "the Academic Registrar, or a nominee appointed by the Academic Registrar".

Tuition Fees

2. Tuition fees shall be payable, depending on the programme, on either a programme part (for full-time programmes and part-time research programmes) or modular (for part-time taught programmes) basis. The level of fees shall be approved and published by the University Council.

3. Tuition fees are the responsibility of the student. Where the student has nominated a sponsor but that sponsor fails to pay within the time limits specified in this regulation, the student shall be liable for the fees.

4. For the purpose of this regulation, tuition fees shall be taken to mean all fees that relate directly to the delivery and assessment of an academic programme of study or research.  This includes the cost of pre-sessional programmes, optional field trips, writing-up and late submission fees and reassessment fees.


5. Paragraphs 6 and 7 below should be read in conjunction with Regulation VI.4 and 5. Any University Vacations shall be considered to be part of the previous term for the purposes of Tuition Fee Liability.

6. Any student whose effective withdrawal date falls within the first four weeks of their programme will not be charged tuition fees. Thereafter, research students shall be charged on a pro rata basis in accordance with their effective withdrawal date, whereas taught students shall be charged tuition fees on a pro rata termly basis for each term which has commenced since the start of their programme year. Charges will be calculated according to modular weight for part-time programmes.  The effective withdrawal date for taught students shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 40 of Regulation IX, and for research students shall be the date of last attendance as confirmed by the student’s School.

Transfer Between Programmes or Modes of 亚洲情色

7. Where a student transfers programme and a different level of tuition fee is applicable to the new programme, the overall tuition fee shall be calculated on a pro rata termly basis for taught students and on a pro rata basis in accordance with the date of the programme transfer for research students. Where a student transfers part-way through a term, the pro rata charge for that term shall be determined from the charge applicable to the original programme. Where a student transfers to an alternative mode of study of the same programme, the overall tuition fee payable for the year shall be calculated based upon their new mode of study in accordance with paragraph 2.

Leave of Absence

8. Where a student is granted leave of absence tuition fee liability will be calculated in accordance with paragraph 6 hereof as if the student had withdrawn.

9. On return from leave of absence:

  • tuition fees for taught students for the year shall be charged in full with a discount applied according to the tuition fee charged for the period prior to leave of absence, in accordance with paragraph 7 hereof.·
  • tuition fees for research students shall be charged for the remainder of the registration period.

Payment of Tuition Fees

10. Tuition fees become due for payment on commencement of study and must be paid either:

  • in full at commencement of each Programme Part or module (for part-time students); or
  • in instalments as published on the Finance Office website

Consequences of Failure to Pay Tuition Fees – Taught Students

11. Taught students who fail to pay their tuition fees by the deadlines set out in paragraph 10 may exceptionally be subject to sanctions restricting their access to University facilities and services until such a time as the overdue tuition fees are paid or appropriate agreements have been reached. 

12. If taught students still have outstanding tuition fees by a date five working days in advance of the meeting of the relevant Programme Board, the following action will be taken:

  1. if the decision of the board is that the student would otherwise receive an award, no award will be made until all outstanding tuition fees have been paid;
  2. if the decision of the board is that an undergraduate student would otherwise be permitted to progress to the next Part of their programme, progression will not be permitted until all outstanding tuition fees have been paid, save that the Academic Registrar may set a maximum level each academic year below which progression may be permitted for all students;
  3. if the decision of the board is that the student has failed and has outstanding reassessment rights, the student shall be permitted to exercise these rights, but without attendance only;
  4. if the decision of the board is that the student's studies should be terminated, the student shall be classified as a permanent leaver in debt to the University.

13. Where, at the start of an academic year, a postgraduate taught student has outstanding tuition fee payments incurred in a previous academic year, that student shall not be permitted to register on any further modules or to attend any reassessment modules until all such tuition fees are paid.

14. Where a taught student is not permitted to register on, attend or be assessed in the next Part of their programme in accordance with paragraph 12 hereof or to register on modules in accordance with paragraph 13 hereof, the maximum time limits outlined in paragraph 12 of Regulation XX or paragraph 8 of Regulation XXI shall not be extended to take account of any resultant period of inactivity.

15. The Academic Registrar may terminate the studies of a taught student if the student has not been permitted to register on the next Part of their programme or to be awarded a degree under the provisions of paragraph 12 hereof or to register on modules in accordance with paragraph 13 hereof, and has not subsequently paid their tuition fees in full by 31 July in the academic year following that in which the fees were incurred.

16. The Academic Registrar shall ensure that notification of termination of studies under the provisions of paragraph 15 hereof is sent to the student’s last known permanent address.

17. Taught students whose studies have been terminated under the provisions of paragraph 15 hereof will not be eligible for any further assessment under any circumstances, but may be eligible for an award based on the Module Marks already obtained if all tuition fee payments are made at a later date, subject to the provisions of Regulation XX, Regulation XXI or the General Regulations for Introductory Studies.

Consequences of Failure to Pay Tuition Fees – Research Students

18. Research students who fail to pay their tuition fees by the deadlines set out in paragraph 10 may exceptionally be subject to sanctions restricting their access to University facilities and services until such a time as the overdue tuition fees are paid or appropriate agreements have been reached.

19. Students who have not paid all outstanding tuition fees within 12 months of their start date, or anniversary of their start date will normally be placed on a leave of absence. In extenuating circumstances, the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee may approve alternative action.  The Academic Registrar may set a maximum level of outstanding tuition fees for each 12 month period below which continued academic study may be permitted for all students.

20. Where a student is placed on a leave of absence in accordance with paragraph 19 hereof they shall not be permitted to receive supervision, attend the University for the purpose of conducting their research degree programme, nor make their research degree submission, nor undertake any form of assessment after the date of suspension of registration.

21. Where a student is suspended from their studies and is later permitted to resume following settlement of the outstanding debt, tuition fees will not be owed for the period of suspension. Tuition fee liability will re-commence at the point at which the student is reinstated.

22. Where a student is suspended from their studies in accordance with paragraph 19 hereof, and does not later resume their studies, the effective withdrawal date shall be the date of the suspension.

23. The Academic Registrar may terminate the studies of a research student if the student has been suspended from their studies under the provisions of paragraph 19 hereof and has not paid all outstanding tuition fees within 12 months of their suspension.

24. The Academic Registrar shall ensure that notification of termination of studies under the provisions of paragraph 23 hereof is sent to the student’s last permanent address.

25. Students whose studies have been terminated under the provisions of paragraph 23 hereof will not be eligible for any further assessment under any circumstances, but may, in the case of students registered on programmes which include assessed taught modules, subject to the general regulations applicable for relevant programmes, be eligible for an award based on the Module Marks already obtained if all outstanding tuition fees are paid at a later date.

Appeal Against Termination – Taught and Research Students

26. Students whose studies have been terminated under the provisions of paragraph 15 or 23 hereof shall have the right to appeal to the Chief Operating Officer. The appeal must be made in writing within 20 working days of the decision to terminate the student’s studies.

27. The Chief Operating Officer or their nominee will respond within 20 working days of receipt of an appeal made under the provisions of paragraph 26 hereof.

28. The Chief Operating Officer shall either confirm the termination of studies or agree terms with the student for settling all tuition fee debt.

29. Failure to adhere to any agreement reached in accordance with paragraph 28 hereof shall result in the immediate termination of the student’s studies.

30. There shall be no further right of appeal within the University.

Payments for University Services (other than Tuition Fees)

31. The University will not take action to suspend or terminate studies in relation to outstanding non-tuition fee obligations, such as accommodation and other charges (including accommodation surcharges), Library, disciplinary and other fines and the return of all borrowed material to the Library.

Procedures for Collection of All Student Debts to the University

32. Students and former students who have overdue accounts will be subject to a standard debt collection process, which may include the debt being transferred to an external collection agency.

County Court action can be taken to collect outstanding debt in appropriate circumstances where the University:

  • has adhered to financial procedures throughout the credit control process;
  • can show that the debtor was specifically aware of their obligations and the consequences of failing to meet these obligations;
  • shows that attempts have been made to discuss repayment of the debt.

33. Such action as described in paragraph 32 hereof will also seek to recover any costs associated with the recovery procedures together with any interest accruing on the outstanding debt.