Regulation XXVIII

Pre-Sessional 亚洲情色

(Version effective from 1 August 2022)


1. This regulation applies to students undertaking pre-sessional programmes offered by the University, and not to students undertaking other programmes.

2. Pre-sessional programmes are programmes of study for students holding an offer of admission who have normally not yet achieved the required level of English language to gain admission to their chosen academic programme at the University.

3. In this Regulation, cross-references are made to processes in other University Ordinances and Regulations. Where Deans of School are referred to within those processes, the Director of Student Services will fulfil the role of Dean for the purposes of students governed by this Regulation.

Registration and status of students

4. Pre-sessional students are required to register as students of the University in accordance with Ordinance I (Admission of Students) and Regulation IX (Registration, Attendance, Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Transfer).

5. The status of pre-sessional students is governed in accordance with Ordinance II.

Tuition Fees and Payments for Other University Services

6. Tuition fees and payments for other university services for students on a pre-sessional programme shall be governed by Regulation XVI (Tuition Fees and Payments for Other University Services), with the exception of paragraph 6 of reg XVI relating to withdrawals.

7. Pre-sessional students who chose to withdraw shall be liable for payment of fees in accordance with the University Terms and Conditions of 亚洲情色.

8. Where appropriate, pre-sessional students will be required to pay all outstanding tuition fees for their pre-sessional programme before progressing to their chosen academic programme.


9. Pre-sessional students are required to attend timetabled teaching and assessment sessions in accordance with the Pre-sessional Programme Attendance and Engagement Policy.

Student Behaviour and Discipline

10. It shall be the duty of all pre-sessional students in all their acts and demeanour to seek to preserve the good reputation of the University and to observe and maintain honest and peaceable behaviour at all times. All students are required to observe the University’s Charter, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Codes of Practice.

11. All student discipline matters will be governed in accordance with Ordinance XVII (Conduct and Discipline of Students).

Programme Structure and Assessment

12. Pre-sessional programmes A and B each contain two modules. Pre-sessional programmes C, D and E each contain one module, whether online or campus-based.

13. Where a pre-sessional programme contains two modules, students are required to pass the first module prior to progressing to the second module on the programme.

14. All pre-sessional students are required to undertake and pass pre-sessional assessments before progressing to their chosen academic programme.

15. All pre-sessional students are normally permitted two opportunities to complete a pre-sessional programme, subject to paying the associated fees.

16. Pre-sessional students who fail to meet the required thresholds to demonstrate that they have achieved the minimum English language level required by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) for degree level study will normally be provided with reassessment opportunities during the pre-sessional programme or shortly thereafter.

17. Pre-sessional students undertaking reassessment for any other purpose are required to do so, with attendance, during the next academic year.

18. Where pre-sessional students, following their second attempt at the pre-sessional programme, fail to meet the required levels to progress to their chosen degree programme, their studies will be terminated by the Programme Board in accordance with paragraph 31.3 of this Regulation.


19. All pre-sessional students are expected to attend and engage appropriately with the learning opportunities offered by their pre-sessional programme. Pre-sessional students who do not attend and/or engage sufficiently with their programme will not be permitted to progress to their chosen degree programme and will be required to leave the University in accordance with the Pre-sessional Programme Attendance and Engagement Policy.

20. Pre-sessional students are required to meet a minimum standard within a series of tests and coursework assignments at the end of the pre-sessional programme.

21. In order to be sponsored for immigration purposes by the University pre-sessional students must demonstrate that they have achieved the minimum English language level required for study by relevant UK immigration authorities.

22. Specific programmes of study may have progression requirements higher than the general requirements referred to in paragraph 20. In order to progress onto these programmes, pre-sessional students must satisfy the requirements referred to in their pre-sessional progression information.

Mitigating Circumstances

23. It is the right of pre-sessional students who, for any reason, have missed part or all of a module assessment or whose performance in a module assessment has been affected by mitigating circumstances, to inform the Academic Language Support Service Manager or nominee of the circumstances in writing, with supporting evidence. This is referred to as submitting a Mitigating Circumstances claim.

24. Mitigating Circumstances claims will be considered by a Mitigating Circumstances Panel comprised of three members of University staff involved in the delivery of the pre-sessional programmes appointed by the Director of Student Services.

25. Where a Mitigating Circumstance Panel determines that a claim is eligible for consideration and the student’s performance has been impaired, it must take one of the following actions in relation to the assessment(s) claimed for:

25.1 substitute an alternative component mark derived from appropriate sources;

25.2 permit reassessment with attendance the following year with or without associated fees;

25.3 increase any of the student’s component marks.

26. Where a Mitigating Circumstances Panel determines that a claim is not eligible for consideration, or the student’s performance has not been impaired, it shall take no action in respect of the claim.

Academic Misconduct

27. Suspicions of academic misconduct involving pre-sessional students, and any subsequent allegations and appeals, will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XVIII, subject to the following:

  1. Incidents will normally be dealt with as Minor Offences, except where a high degree of intent to deceive is alleged, in which case the allegations will normally be dealt with under the Major Offence procedure.
  2. Minor Offences will be considered by a Pre-sessional Minor Academic Misconduct Committee composed of two members of University staff involved in the delivery of the pre-sessional programmes appointed by the Director of Student Services, one of whom shall act as Chair.
  3. The responsibilities assigned to the Academic Integrity Lead, the Secretary to the Minor Academic Misconduct Committee, and the Module Leader in paragraphs 7-14 of Regulation XVIII will be undertaken or coordinated by the Academic Language Support Service Manager, or nominee.
  4. The notice-periods and other timescales for dealing with Minor Offences in paragraphs 10-14 of Regulation XVIII may be shortened at the discretion of the Academic Language Support Service Manager in order to allow allegations to be considered to a conclusion within a timeframe which allows students to access reassessment opportunities, where applicable and where possible, during the pre-sessional programme or shortly thereafter in accordance with paragraph 16 above. In some cases, however, adherence to timescales for dealing with Major Offences of academic misconduct may mean that any reassessment opportunities still available to students after the consideration of academic misconduct allegations cannot be undertaken until the next delivery of the Pre-sessional programme the following year. 

28. Where a pre-sessional student is found guilty of a Minor Offence of academic misconduct, this will not be treated as a previous offence for the purposes of paragraph 6 of Regulation XVIII should the student commit a further offence when registered on their chosen programme.

Programme Boards

29. Programme Boards for pre-sessional programmes will be constituted as below:

29.1 An AD(T), or nominee, who shall act as Chair.

29.2 At least three Senior Academic Language Support Service Team Members, one of whom will act as Deputy Chair.

30. In order for a pre-sessional Programme Board meeting to be quorate, the following minimum attendance requirement must be met:

  • The Chair and at least one Senior Academic Language Support Service Team Member.

31. Pre-sessional Programme Boards shall have the following powers delegated by Senate:

31.1 To determine whether students have demonstrated that they have achieved the minimum English language level required by UK immigration authorities.

31.2 To determine whether students have met the requirements to progress to the chosen degree programme for which they are holding an offer.

31.3 To terminate the studies of a student who has undertaken two attempts at the pre-sessional programme and who has not met the required progression thresholds.

Appeals against Programme Board Decisions

32. Pre-sessional students wishing to appeal against the decision of a Programme Board must do so in writing to the Academic Registrar normally within 10 working days of the publication of the decision of the Programme Board.

33. All appeals against the decisions of a pre-sessional Programme Boards will be administered in accordance with Regulation XIV (Student Appeals against Programme Board or Review Board Decisions).


34. Any pre-sessional student wishing to lodge a complaint should do so in accordance with the University’s student complaints procedure as set out in Ordinance XXXVIII (Student Complaints Procedures).