Professor Thomas Jun presents his lecture entitled 'Are Designers Masters of the Maze? Unpacking dilemmas in designing complex healthcare systems.'

About the lecture

Dilemmas abound in the realm of design. For example, marrying lightweight design with robust structure to develop the world's smallest optical disc storage device – or tackling the intricate challenges of healthcare systems where the quality of patient care must be balanced with staff workload.

In this thought-provoking lecture, Professor Jun will delve into the multifaceted decision-making dilemmas encountered in designing complex socio-technical systems.

Leveraging his practical experiences and extensive research, Professor Jun will shed light on the strategies, methods and tools he uses to successfully identify, visualise, communicate and address these dilemmas.

The practical applications of his work include medication errors in care transition, antibiotic over-prescriptions in A&E, suicide prevention for mental health patients, maternity incident investigation, care for people with learning disabilities, and breastfeeding support to communities in Kenya.

His many interdisciplinary collaborations with experts across various scientific backgrounds – including data science, human science, system science, clinical science, design science and ethics – has enabled him to exploit the unique synergy arising from synthesising diverse perspectives to address the dilemmas faced in healthcare system design – and beyond.

About the lecturer

Having completed his BSc and MSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering in South Korea, Professor Thomas Jun began his engineering design career in R&D at Samsung Electronics. During this time, he developed a keen interest in innovation, creativity, contradictions and system design.

In 2003, he embarked on his PhD in Engineering Design at the University of Cambridge, exploring how to empower healthcare workers to apply systems approaches for their quality and safety improvement. 

Since joining Loughborough in 2011, his primary research focus has been to integrate systems thinking and human-centred design approaches into healthcare system improvement and innovations. 

He led the successful production and dissemination of , translating his research findings into engaging narratives.  

This knowledge transfer work received the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors’ Robert C Holman Award 2019 for “outstanding communication of the value of systems thinking”. 

For further information on this lecture, please contact the Events team.

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