
Performance and Development Review

Online PDR system

Academic Probation

An online system, similar to the PDR system, has been developed for academic probation and will be used from 1st January 2018. This system will replace paperbased probation for some members of staff on academic probation, depending on the probation start date.

Click on your start date, listed below, to find out where you should complete your academic probation. 

When did you start your academic probation?

I started my Academic Probation before 1st July 2017

You will continue to record your Academic Probationer review meetings using the paper based forms as you have been doing previously.

One of your review meetings should be scheduled between January 2021 – March 2021.  In this meeting you will be able to review your progress and performance over the past year and your Academic Probation Adviser will recommend a performance rating of Exceeds expectations, Meets expectations, Does not meet expectations. This recommended rating will be recorded on a spreadsheet for submission to the Senior Review Group. Colleagues receiving a recommended rating of Exceeds expectations, which is subsequently reviewed and agreed by the PDR Senior Review Group, may be eligible for an excellence reward. 

I started my Academic Probation on or after 1st July 2017

You will use the Academic Probation online system to record your quarterly Academic Probation review meetings, and not the paper based forms.

This means you will need to transcribe your work plan into the online system and have it approved by your Probation Adviser and Dean. This will contain all of your relevant data, pulled in from LUPIN, LUCI, SciVal, Agresso and iTrent. You will also be able to use this system with your Probation Adviser to write up a summary of your probation meetings.

One of your probation review meetings should be scheduled between January 2021 – March 2021. Your Academic Probation Adviser will also use this meeting to review your progress and performance so far. Your probation adviser will recommend a performance rating of Exceeds expectations, Meets expectations and Does not meet expectations.  Colleagues receiving a recommended rating of Exceeds expectations, which is subsequently reviewed and agreed by the PDR Senior Review Group (SRG), may be eligible for an excellence reward.