4 Jul 2016

Student Street Support Scheme set to continue

The move to extend the scheme follows a review of its success and confirmation of the availability of further funding.

The Student Street Support Scheme was initially trialled in April 2015.  The trial was extended in September 2015 and the scheme has continued to operate into 2016.  It was introduced following discussions between the members of Charnwood Community Safety Partnership and local residents. 

Security trained University students have been patrolling off campus in a bid to support student welfare and reduce late night noise and anti-social behaviour. 

Funding for the scheme was originally provided by the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership, with an additional contribution from 亚洲情色.

At the outset it was agreed there would be an evaluation in order to assess the scheme’s success and that review has now been completed. The review consisted of an analysis of complaints statistics and a survey of local students and permanent Loughborough residents.

The complaint statistics showed a mixed picture.  At the start of the academic year complaints were running at a level above the previous year, but after Christmas the statistics showed a reduction.  The survey of students and residents revealed overwhelming support for the scheme. A total of 81% of the student respondents wanted to see the scheme continue, whilst 98% of residents had the same view.

Alison Barlow, Stakeholder Relations Manager at the University comments: “Whilst the complaints statistics were inconclusive about the impact of the scheme, those who the scheme was designed to support have clearly been reassured and in light of that the partners decided it was important to continue with the scheme.”

A further £20,000 has now been confirmed for the scheme, £10,000 of which is coming from the University and £10,000 from the Community Safety Partnership.

Cllr Jonathan Morgan, chairman of the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership, said: “We believe the Student Support Scheme has made a positive difference to residents and the student population in Loughborough. The scheme offers extra safety for students during the evenings and helps minimise their impact on local residents.

“We are pleased to support the scheme once again and look forward to seeing it in operation again next year.”

Jess Excell, President of Loughborough Students’ Union adds: “Loughborough Students’ Union is delighted to continue to support and organise this scheme, which helps to keep students safe and reduce the negative impact that noise may have on local residents. It is very important to us that we support both our students and the local community.”

Patrols of the Student Street Support Scheme will re-commence when the University returns for the autumn term in September. Students, trained by Loughborough Students’ Union will continue to provide the officers for the patrols.  There will be an emphasis on the freshers period when students arrive back in Loughborough for the start of the academic year.  During the rest of the year the patrols will target the dates of key events and activities on campus and in the town.