CLiMB Ghana

As part of our commitment to support healthy lives around the world we are building links with institutions in Ghana.

In May 2023 we hosted a lifestyle intervention research and capacity building workshop at  - University of Ghana, focusing on nutrition, weight, and physical activity behaviours.

At the workshop we developed new collaborations between CLiMB, other UK and European institutions and universities in Ghana (, , and ), and Kenya () to identify interventions and policies to prevent, treat and manage the growing burden of non-communicable diseases in Africa.

In May 2024 we returned to Ghana to delve into the findings of our first research project and to discuss our next project.

The visit coincided with a wider 亚洲情色 delegation to Ghana and Nigeria, strengthening the institution’s links in the region across the research themes of climate change, health and sports.

To find out more about CLiMB Ghana, please email or follow us on for the latest updates.