
Water Engineering and Development Centre

Journal papers

Journal papers are produced by WEDC staff for peer-reviewed international journals based on cutting-edge research into various aspects of water, sanitation, hygiene and international development. Recent examples are listed below.

Papers are listed alphabetically by the first-named author. Authors shown in bold are current or former members and/or researchers of WEDC / School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineeering.


  • BOOTH, A, BOSHER, LCHMUTINA, K (2022) , Security Journal, ISSN: 0955-1662. DOI: .
  • CHEEK, W. and CHMUTINA, K., 2022. Measuring Resilience in the Assumed City. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13, 317–329, DOI: 
  • CHEN H, ZHAO J, LIANG Q, MAHARJAN SB, JOSHI SP (2022) Assessing the potential impact of glacial lake outburst floods on individual objects using a high-performance hydrodynamic model and open-source data. Science of the Total Environment, 806(3): 151289.
  • CHMUTINA, K., CHEEK, W. and VON MEDING, J., 2022. “Critique is not a verb”: Is peer review stifling the dialogue in disaster scholarship? Disaster Prevention and Management
  • CHMUTINA, K., VON MEDING, J., ALEXANDER, D.W., VICKERY, J. and PURDUM, C. (2022). From pity to fear: security as a mechanism for (re)production of vulnerability. Disasters. DOI: 
  • CHMUTINA, K. and VON MEDING, J. (2022). Towards a liberatory pedagogy of disaster risk reduction among built environment educators. Disaster Prevention and Management, 1 (5), 521-535. DOI: 
  • DIFILIPPO R., BOSHER L.S. and DAVID C.P., (2022), , Waterlines, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp.107–124 
  • KASSIM, FO, THOMAS, CLP, AFOLABI, OOD (2022) , Biomass and Bioenergy, 156, 106314, ISSN: 0961-9534. DOI: .
  • KELDER, T, WANDERS, N, VAN DER WIEL, K, MARJORIBANKS, T, SLATER, LJ, WILBY, R, PRUDHOMME, C (2022) Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 044052, DOI: .
  • LEREBOURS, A, SCOTT, R, SANSOM, K, KAYAGA, S (2022) Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 869403. DOI: 
  • LIU, M, LI, T, WANG, Z, RADU, T, JIANG, H, WANG, L (2022) , Journal of Environmental Management, 320(2022), 115867, ISSN: 0301-4797. DOI: .
  • MA Y, XIA XLIANG Q, WAN H (2022) Investigating the Impact of Spatial Distribution of Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) Components on Their Flood Mitigation Performance in Communities with High Groundwater Levels. Water, 14: 1367.
  • MARLOW, E., CHMUTINA, K. and DAINTY, A., 2022. Interpreting sustainability and resilience in the built environment. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
  • MING X, LIANG Q, DAWSON R, HOU J (2022) A quantitative multi-hazard risk assessment framework for compound flooding considering hazard inter-dependencies and interactions. Journal of Hydrology, 607: 127477.
  • OKOLIGWE, O, RADU, T, LEAPER, M, WAGNER, J (2022) , Waste
  • PADDY, E, AFOLABI, O.O.D., SOHAIL, M (2022). Toilet plume bioaerosols in healthcare and hospitality settings: A systematic review. American Journal of Infection Control. .
  • Management, 140, pp.133-142, ISSN: 0956-053X. DOI: .
  • SHUAIB, A.A. and SOHAIL, M., 2022. The role of Islamic social finance in societal welfare: a case study of selected IFBOs in southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 15(1), pp. 83-99. .
  • SOETANTO, R, HERMAWAN, F, DROSOU, N, BOSHER, L, HATMOKO, JUD (2022) , Water, 14(3), 433, DOI: .
  • SU X, LIANG QXIA X (2022) A new GPU-accelerated coupled discrete element and depth-averaged model for simulation of flow-like landslides. Environmental Modelling & Software, .
  • SU X, XIA XLIANG Q, HOU J (2022) A coupled discrete element and depth-averaged model for dynamic simulation of flow-like landslides. Computers and Geotechnics, 141: 104537.
  • XING Y, CHEN HLIANG Q, MA X (2022) Improving the performance of city-scale hydrodynamic flood modelling through a GIS-based DEM correction method. Natural Hazards, .
  • VAUDRY, N., SUN, Y., AFOLABI, O.O.D. (2022). Exploiting constructed wetlands for industrial effluent phytodesalination in Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration, China, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 
  • Xing Y, SHAO D, LIANG Q, CHEN H, MA X, ULLAH I (2022) Investigation of the drainage loss effects with a street view based drainage calculation method in hydrodynamic modelling of pluvial floods in urbanized area. Journal of Hydrology, 605: 127365.
  • ZHAO J, CHEN HLIANG QXIA X, XU J, HOEY T, BARRETT B, RENAUD FG, BOSHER L, ZHOU X (2022) Large-scale flood risk assessment under different development strategies: the Luanhe River Basin in China. Sustainability Science, DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-01034-6.
  • ZHAO J, LIANG Q (2022) Novel variable reconstruction and friction term discretisation schemes for hydrodynamic modelling of overland flow and surface water flooding. Advances in Water Resources, .
  • ZHOU, X, MOINUDDIN, M, RENAUD, F, BARRETT, B, XU, J, LIANG, Q, ZHAO, J, XIA, X, BOSHER, L, HUANG, S, HOEY, T (2022) , Sustainability Science, ISSN: 1862-4065. DOI: .


  • AFOLABI, OOD, LEONARD, SA, OSEI, E, BLAY, K (2021) Journal of Environmental Management, 294, 112929, ISSN: 0301-4797. DOI: .
  • AL-ALAWI, A., SOHAIL, M., and KAYAGA, S., 2021. Water management in mosques of Oman. Sustainable Water Resources Management,7(6)..
  • BOSHER, LCHMUTINA, K, VAN NIEKERK, D (2021) , Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 30 No. 4/5, pp. 525– 537. ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI: .
  • CHEEK, W. and CHMUTINA, K., 2021. ‘Building Back Better’ is Neoliberal Post-Disaster Reconstruction. Disasters
  • CHMUTINA, K., VON MEDING, J., SANDOVAL, V., BOYLAND, M., FORINO, G., CHEEK, W., WILLIAMS, D.A., GONZALEZ-MUZZIO, C., TOMASSI, I., PÁEZ, H., and MARCHEZINI, V., 2021. What we measure matters: the case of the missing development data in Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction monitoring. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
  • CHMUTINA, K., TANDON, A., KALKHITASHVILI, M., TEVZADZE, M. and KOBULIA, I. 2021. Understanding the Interconnection of Cultural Heritage, Vulnerabilities, and Capacities participation. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 53, DOI: 
  • ERMILIO, J., PATTISON, I. and SOHAIL, M., 2022. Performance Monitoring and Sustainable Management of Piped Water Supply Infrastructure in Developing Communities. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(2)..
  • GOODALL, S., LI, Y., CHMUTINA, K., DIJKSTRA, T., MENG, X. and JORDAN, C. 2021. Exploring disaster ontologies from Chinese and Western perspectives: commonalities and nuances. Disaster Prevention and Management. 
  • HAN H, HOU J, BAI G, LI B, WANG T, LI X, GONG J, GAO X, SU F, WANG Z, LIANG Q (2021) A deep learning technique-based automatic monitoring method for experimental urban road inundation. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23(4): 764-781.
  • HARDY, RJ, BEST, JL, MARJORIBANKS, T, PARSONS, DR, ASHWORTH, PJ (2021) Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(12), e2021JF006121, ISSN: 2169-9003. DOI: .
  • KEYLOCK, C.J., SINGH, A., PASSALACQUA, P., FOUFOULA-GEORGIOU, E. (2021). , Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126, e2020JF005765. doi: 
  • IANG J, LIANG QXIA X, HOU J (2021) A coupled hydrodynamic and particle-tracking model for full-process simulation of nonpoint source pollutants. Environmental Modelling & Software, 136: 104951.
  • LEREBOURS, A, SCOTT, R, SANSOM, K, KAYAGA, S (2021) , Utilities Policy, 73, 101315, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI: 
  • LEREBOURS, A, SCOTT, R, SANSOM, K (2021) , Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 11(5), pp.785-793, ISSN: 2043-9083. DOI: 
  • LIU K, KE L, WANG J, JIANG L, RICHARDS KS, SHENG Y, ZHU Y, FAN C, ZHAN P, LUO S, CHENG J, CHEN T, MA R, LIANG Q, MADSON A, SONG C (2021) Ongoing Drainage Reorganization Driven by Rapid Lake Growths on the Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(24): e2021GL095795
  • MARJORIBANKS, T AND PAUL, M (2021) Journal of Hydraulic Research, 60(1), pp.46-61, ISSN: 0022-1686. DOI: .
  • NIAN T, LI D, LIANG Q, WU H, GUO X (2021) Multi-phase flow simulation of landslide dam formation process based on extended coupled DEM-CFD method. Computers and Geotechnics, 140: 104438.
  • PARITOSH, K, KUMAR, V, PAREEK, N, SAHOO, D, FERNANDEZ, YB, COULON, F, RADU, T, KESHARWANI, N, VIVEKANAND, V (2021) , Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy, 3, pp.227-245, ISSN: 2524-7980. DOI: .
  • RICHARDS, J, CHAMBERS, T, HALES, S, JOY, M, RADU, T, WOODWARD, A, HUMPHREY, A, RANDAL, E, BAKER, MG (2021) , Environmental Research, 204(Part C), 112322, ISSN: 0013-9351. DOI: .
  • ROY, U, RADU, T, WAGNER, J (2021) , Biomass and Bioenergy, 148, 106029, ISSN: 0961-9534. DOI: .
  • ROY, U, RADU, T, WAGNER, J (2021) , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(1), 107027, ISSN: 2213-3437. DOI: .
  • SAINI, AK, RADU, T, PARITOSH, K, KUMAR, V, PAREEK, N, TRIPATHI, D, VIVEKANAND, V (2021) , Bioengineered, 12(1), pp.6418-6433, ISSN: 2165-5979. DOI: .
  • SIMMONDS, LP, SIMMONDS, GE, WOOD, M, MARJORIBANKS, T, AMBURGEY, JE (2021) Water, 13(17), pp.2350-2350, DOI: .
  • SUZUKI, H, HASEGAWA, Y, AFOLABI, OOD, MOCHIZUKI, S (2021) , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2090(1), pp.012144-012144, ISSN: 1742-6588. DOI: .
  • VETTORI, D AND MARJORIBANKS, TI (2021) Water Resources Research, 57(3), ISSN: 0043-1397. DOI: .
  • WAMI, M, FISHER, J, AKPILA, S, RADU, T (2021) , International Development Planning Review, ISSN: 1474-6743.
  • WANG G, LIANG Q, SHI F, ZHENG J (2021) Analytical and numerical investigation of trapped ocean waves along a submerged ridge. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915: A54.
  • WILBY R.L. , R KASEI, K V GOUGH, E F AMANKWAA, M ABARIKE, N J ANDERSON, S N A CODJOE, P GRIFFITHS, C KABA, K ABDULLAH, S KAYAGA, T MATTHEWS, P MENSAH, C MURPHY  and  P W K YANKSON (2021) Monitoring and moderating extreme indoor temperatures in low-income urban communities, Environ. Res. Lett., 16 (2) .
  • ZHAO, J, CHEN, H, LIANG, Q, XIA, X, XU, J, HOEY, T, BARRETT, B, RENAUD, FG, BOSHER, L, ZHOU, X (2021) , Sustainability Science, ISSN: 1862-4065. DOI: .
  • ZHAO W, XIA X, SU X, LIANG Q, LIU X, JU N (2021) Movement process analysis of the high-speed long-runout Shuicheng landslide over 3-D complex terrain using a depth-averaged numerical model. Landslides, 18: 3213-3226.


  • BOOTH, A, CHMUTINA, K, BOSHER, L (2020) , Cities, 107, pp.102891-102891, ISSN: 0264-2751. DOI: .
  • BOWAN, P.A., KAYAGA, S. and FISHER, J. (2020) A baseline scenario of municipal solid waste management, Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp.438–457.
  • BOWAN, P.A., KAYAGA, S.M, COTTON, A.P.  and  FISHER, J. (2020) Municipal Solid Waste Management Performance, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, Vol 19 (5), available at .
  • CHEN H, LIANG Q, LIANG Z, LIU Y, REN T (2020) Extraction of connected river networks from multi-temporal remote sensing imagery using a path tracking technique. Remote Sensing of Environment, 246: 111868.
  • CHMUTINA, K., SADLER, N., VON MEDING, J. and ABUKHALAF, A.H.I., 2020. Lost (and Found?) in Translation: Key Terminology in Disaster Studies. Disaster Prevention and Management, 30(2), pp.149-162,  
  • CODJOE, S.N.A., GOUGH, K.V., WILBY, R.L., KASEI, R., YANKSON, P.W.K., AMANKWAA, E.F., ABARIKE, M.A.,  ATIGLO, Y., KAYAGA, S., MENSAH, P., NABILSE, C.K. AND GRIFFITHS, P.L. (2020) Impact of extreme weather conditions on healthcare provision in urban Ghana, Social Science & Medicine, .
  • FAYOSE, T, THOMAS, E, RADU, T, DILLINGHAM, P, ULLAH, S, RADU, A (2020) , Analytical Science Advances, ansa.202000124, ISSN: 2628-5452. DOI: .
  • JIANG L, HU Y, XIA XLIANG Q, SOLTOGGIO A, KABIR SR (2020) A Multi-Scale Mapping Approach Based on a Deep Learning CNN Model for Reconstructing High-Resolution Urban DEMs. Water, 12(5): 1369.
  • KABIR S, PATIDAR S, XIA X, LIANG Q, NEAL J, PENDER G (2020) A deep convolutional neural network model for rapid prediction of fluvial flood inundation. Journal of Hydrology, 590: 125481.
  • KAYAGA, S., AMANKWAA, E.F., GOUGH, K.V., WILBY, R.L., ABARIKE, M.A., CODJOE, S.N.A., KASEI, R., NABILSE, C.K., YANKSON, P.W.K.,  MENSAH, P.,ABDALLAH, K., and  GRIFFITHS, P.L. (2020) Cities and extreme weather events: Impact of flooding and extreme heat on water and electricity services in Ghana, Environment and Urbanization, .
  • KAYAGA, S., FISHER, J., GOODALL, S., KANYESIGYE, C., KAGGWA, R., NAMBIRO M., KITAKUFE R., OTEMA J.B, MAFUNGURO, R. and  AHABWE, G. (2020) Enhancing livelihoods of the urban poor through productive uses of utility-supplied water services – Evidence from Kampala, Uganda, Cities, 102 (July), . 
  • KEYLOCK, C.J., GHISALBERTI, M., KATUL, G.G., NEPF, H.M. (2020). , Environmental Fluid Mechanics 20, 77-101, doi: 
  • KELDER, T, MÜLLER, M, SLATER, LJ, MARJORIBANKS, TI, WILBY, RL, PRUDHOMME, C, BOHLINGER, P, FERRANTI, L, NIPEN, T (2020) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 3(1), 47, DOI: .
  • KEYLOCK, C.J., SINGH, A., PASSALACQUA, P., FOUFOULA-GEORGIOU, E. (2020). , Water Resources Research, 56, doi:     
  • MING X, LIANG QXIA X, LI D, FOWLER HJ (2020) Real-time flood forecasting based on a high-performance 2D hydrodynamic model and numerical weather predictions. Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR025583.
  • PEAL, A, EVANS, B, AHILAN, S, BAN, R, BLACKETT, I, HAWKINS, P, SCHOEBITZ, L, SCOTT, R, SLEIGH, A, STRANDE, L, VESES, O (2020) , Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, DOI: 
  • ROSE, J. and CHMUTINA, K., 2020. Learning to Learn: developing disaster risk reduction skills among the informal construction workers. Disasters, 45 (3), 627-646, 
  • PRAMANIK M, CHOWDHURY K, RANA MJ, BISHT P, PAL R, SZABO S, PAL I, BEHERA B, LIANG Q, PADMADAS SS, UDMALE P (2020) Climatic influence on the magnitude of COVID-19 outbreak: a stochastic model-based global analysis. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2020.1831446 
  • ROLLINSON, A, BHUPTANI, J, BEYER, J, ISMAWATI, Y, RADU, T (2020) , International Journal of Phytoremediation, 22(13), pp.1431-1439, ISSN: 1522-6514. DOI: .
  • WANG F, WANG Z, YANG H, DI D, ZHAO Y, LIANG Q (2020) A new copula-based standardized precipitation evapotranspiration streamflow index for drought monitoring. Journal of Hydrology, 585: 124793.
  • WANG F, WANG Z, YANG H, DI D, ZHAO Y, LIANG Q, HUSSAIN Z (2020) Utilizing GRACE-based groundwater drought index for drought characterization and teleconnection factors analysis in the North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology, 584: 124849.
  • WANG F, WANG Z, YANG H, DI D, ZHAO Y, LIANG Q, HUSSAIN Z (2020) Comprehensive evaluation of hydrological drought and its relationships with meteorological drought in the Yellow River basin, China. Journal of Hydrology, 584: 124751.
  • WRIGHT, A, ROLLINSON, A, YADAV, D, LISOWSKI, S, IZA, F, HOLDICH, R, RADU, T, BANDULASENA, H (2020) , Food and Bioproducts Processing, 124, pp.287-295, ISSN: 0960-3085. DOI: .
  • ZOUNEMAT-KERMANI M, MATTA E, COMINOLA A, XIA X, ZHANG Z, LIANG Q, HINKELMANN R (2020) Neurocomputing in surface water hydrology and hydraulics: A review of two decades retrospective, current status and future prospects. Journal of Hydrology, 588: 125085.


  • AFOLABI, O.O.D., SOHAIL, M. and YU-LING CHENG, Optimisation and characterisation of hydrochar production from spent coffee grounds by hydrothermal carbonisationRenewable Energy 147 (Part 1), 2019, pp 1380-1391. .
  • BHAKTA, A.FISHER, J. and REED, B.J., , International Development Planning Review, ISSN: 1478-3401.
  • BHAKTA, A., REED, B.J. and FISHER, J. (2019) . In England, MR, Fannin, M, Hazen, H (ed) Reproductive Geographies: Politics, Places, and Bodies, Routledge, pp.67-87, ISBN: 9780815386193.
  • CAVILL, S., VON MEDEAZZA, G. and FISHER, J. (Accepted for publication) , Waterlines, ISSN: 0262-8104.
  • DEWHURST, R., FURLONG, C, TRIPATHI, S, TEMPLETON, MR, SCOTT, RE (2019) , Waterlines, 38(3), pp.154-169, ISSN: 0262-8104. DOI: .
  • GREEN, A and CHMUTINA, K. 2019. . In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, pp.1-9, ISSN: 1478-4629. DOI: 10.1680/jensu.18.00031. 
  • SCOTT, R, SCOTT, P, HAWKINS, P, BLACKETT, I, COTTON, A, LEREBOURS, A (2019) , Sustainability, 11(23), 6706, DOI: 


  • BHAKTA, A., FISHER, J. and REED, B.J. (2018) . In41st WEDC International Conference, Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya.
  • CHMUTINA K., FUSSEY P., BOSHER L.S. and DAINTY A.R.J. (2018), , Disaster Prevention and Management, 27(5): pp.460-477.
  • CHMUTINA, K and ROSE, J. 2018. . International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 28, pp.158-164, ISSN: 2212-4209. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.02.039.
  • CHOOSANG, J, NUMNUAM, A, THAVARUNGKUL, P, KANATHARANA, P, RADU, T, ULLAH, S, RADU, A (2018) , Sensors (Switzerland), 18(10), DOI: .
  • FISHER, J. (2018) , Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 171(3), pp.127-128, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI: .
  • SCOTT, RE, ROSS, I, HAWKINS, PM, BLACKETT, IC, SMITH, MD (2018) , Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 9(1), pp.111-118, ISSN: 2043-9083. DOI: .


  • AFOLABI, O.O.D.SOHAIL, M., THOMAS, C.L.P. (Accepted for publication). , Energy.
  • AFOLABI, O.O.D. and SOHAIL, M., 2017. . Water Science and Technology, 75(5).
  • AFOLABI, O.O.D. and SOHAIL, M., 2017. . Journal of Environmental Management, 187, pp.401-415.
  • CABALLERO-MEGIDDO, C., HILLIER, J., WYNCOL, D., GOULDBY, B. and BOSHER, L.S., 2017. Technical Note: Comparison of methods for threshold selection for extreme sea levels, Journal of Flood Risk Management, February.
  • BHAKTA, A., REED, B.J. and FISHER, J. (2017) . In Shaw, R (ed) 40th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough.
  • FISHER, J., CAVILL, S. and REED, B.J., 2017. Mainstreaming gender in the WASH sector: dilution or distillation?  Gender & Development, 25(2). pp.185-204.
  • FISHER, J.REED, B.J., CAVILL, S. (2017) , Gender and Development, ISSN: 1364-9221.
  • GREEN, D. YU, D. PATTISON, I., WILBY, R., BOSHER, L.S., PATEL, R., THOMPSON, P., TROWELL, K., DRAYCON, J., HALSE, M., YANG, L. and RYLEY, T., 2017. , 17, pp.1-16.
  • OGUNLOWO, O.O., BRISTOW, A.L. and SOHAIL, M., 2017. , Transport Policy, 53, pp.58-69.
  • OTENG-ABABIO, M., SMOUT, I.K. and YANKSON, P.W.K., 2017. Poverty politics and governance of potable water services: the core–periphery syntax in Metropolitan Accra, Ghana. Urban Forum, 28 (2), pp. 185–203
  • OTENG-ABABIO, M., SMOUT, I.K., AMANKWAA, E. F. & ESSON, J. 2017. The divergence between acceptability of municipal services and urbanization in developing countries: insights from Accra and Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 117 (2), 42-154
  • REED, B.J. and FEREDAY, E., 2016. Developing professional competencies for humanitarian engineers. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering, 169(5), pp.49-56.
  • SINGER, S., SKINNER, B.H., and CANTWELL, R.E., 2017. Impact of surface maintenance on BioSand filter performance and flow. Journal of Water and Health, 15(2) pp.262-272. 


  • CHMUTINA, K., LIZARRALDE, G., DAINTY, A. and BOSHER, L.S., 2016. Unpacking resilience policy discourse. Cities. 58, pp.70-79.
  • MEDLAND, L.S., SCOTT, R.E. and COTTON, A.P., 2016. , Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2(3), pp.492-501.
  • REED, B.J., TORR, D. and SCOTT, R.E., 2016. , Waterlines, 35(2), pp.194-214.
  • SOHAIL, M., CAVILL, S. and AFOLABI, O.O.D., 2016. , Municipal Engineer ICE Proceedings.