Professor Will Seal

  • Emeritus Professor of Management Accounting

Research groups and centres

Former Professor of Management Accounting, Will has held chairs at the universities of Essex, Birmingham and Southampton. Will has also published extensively in books and in professional and academic journals. He is a member of the centre for global service sourcing at 亚洲情色. His main research interests are the relationship between theory and practice in management, strategic control, shared services, supply chain management, and lean operations.

  • (with E. Warren) (forthcoming), Using investment appraisal models in strategic negotiation: the cultural political economy of electricity generation. Accounting, Organizations and Society.
  • (with Mattimoe, R. (2016), The role of narrative in developing management control knowledge from fieldwork, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 13 Iss 3 pp. 330 – 349.
  • (with I. Herbert) (2014) A knowledge management perspective to shared service centers: A case study of a finance SSC, Advanced Series in Management, 13, pp.133-151, ISSN: 1877-6361. DOI: 10.1108/S1877-636120140000013007.
  • Seal, W (with Mattimoe, R.) (2014) Controlling Strategy through Dialectical Management. Management Accounting Research, DOI: 0.1016/j.mar.2014.03.001, pp 230-243.
  • (with Pinar Uslu Goven) (2018) Transfer prices and innovation in public health care:costing and clinical choices in the NHS. Financial Accountability & Management (forthcoming).