Dr Tien-Der Jerry Han

  • University Teacher in Economics

Research groups and centres

Jerry's main research adopts game theoretic techniques to explain how firms and individuals are incentivised to behave due to the stimulation of government policies and the interactions between firms with the interest in the well-beings of consumers and implications on competition policy.

Currently, Jerry is also looking at the trade policy of the UK after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU with focus on commercial diplomacy as well as how pedagogical approach affects the experience and the academic performance of students.

Fields of interest

  • Industrial organisation
  • Competition policy
  • Consumer policy
  • Privatisation
  • UK trade policy

Module leadership

  • Economics for Business I (undergraduate)
  • Economics for Business II (undergraduate)
  • Business Economics (MBA programme)

Module teaching

  • Principle of Microeconomics

Published papers (peer reviewed)

  1. Luke Garrod, Tien-Der Han, James Harvey, and Matthew Olczak (2024) 'Cartel Damages Claims, Passing-On and Passing-Back', Review of Industrial Organization (RIO), forthcoming.
  2. Tien-Der Han, and Arijit Mukherjee (2023) 'Mergers of complements, endogenous product differentiation and welfare', Mathematical Social Sciences (MSS), 126, 33-41.
  3. Tien-Der Han, and Ruochen Li (2023) 'Optimal Privatization, Optimum-welfare and Maximum-revenue Tariffs', Economic and Political Studies (ESP). (Journal run by Renmin University of China).
  4. Tien-Der Han, M. Emranul Haque, and Arijit Mukherjee (2022) 'Product differentiation in a vertical structure', The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (BEJTE), 22(1), 105-122. (SSCI; EconLit; 2 ABS; ABDC Grade A).
  5. Tien-Der Han, M. Emranul Haque, and Arijit Mukherjee (2022) 'Social Efficiency of Entry in an Open Economy', The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (BEJEAP), 22(1), 203-219. (SSCI; EconLit; 2 ABS; ABDC Grade A).
  6. Bing-Yuh Lu, Tien-Der Han, Mei Liu, Rushan Wu, Juhui He, and  Pao-An Lin (2022) 'Exploration of the Mobile Market: Perspective on the Population Distribution of the Country in the South Asia', International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, (SCI). This is an interdisciplinary and international collaboration.
  7. Tien-Der Han and Arijit Mukherjee (2017) 'Labour Unionisation Structure, Innovation and Welfare', The Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 173(2), 279-300. (SSCI; EconLit; ABS Grade 2; ABDC Grade A).
  8. Fu-Chu Ho, Tien-Der Han and Ming-Huan Liou (2016) 'Factor Price Convergence between Small-North and Large-South Economies: Evidence from Taiwan and China', The Empirical Economics Letters (EEL), 15(7), 638-648. (EconLit; ABDC Grade C).
  9. Wang, L.F.S., and Tien-Der Han (2015) 'Better Governance Matters Optimal Privatization Policy', Eurasian Economic Review (EAER), 5(2), 189-206. (EconLit; ABS).

Published book chapters (peer reviewed)

  • Wang, L.F.S., Chu-Chuan Hsu and Tien-Der Han (2015) 'Inter-industry Pollution, Compensation Scheme and Environmental Protection'. In Economics of Environmental Policy in Oligopolistic Markets, NY: NOVA.

Policy report

  • Elena Georgiadou, Terence Huw Edwards, Anna Grosman and Tien-Der Han (2023) 'A Hybrid Model of UK Export Promotion: Building a Proactive Dynamic Internationalization Capability with Public-Private Collaboration in Commercial Diplomacy' for Parliamentary Business and Trade Committee: Inquiry on Export-led growth.

Writings on teaching

  • Christopher Wilson, Tien-Der Han and Allyson King (2021) '', Economics Network Case 亚洲情色.

Paper under review and revision

  • Higor Leite, Tien-Der Han, Peggy Alexopoulou and Amanda Berry, 'Identification of the potential value creation and deterioration in online teaching from the users' perspective', with Public Management Review (ABS Grade 4).