Dr Murray Thomson

BSc, PhD

  • Reader in Networks & Systems


Murray is a Senior Lecturer in Electrical Networks and Systems at , which is within the School of Electronic, Electrical & Systems Engineering at 亚洲情色.

He is an electrical engineer with particular interest in the Integration of Renewables into existing electrical power systems. He specialises in the analysis of low-voltage distribution networks and the development of flexible demand as a means of grid balancing in future low-carbon power systems incorporating high penetrations of intermittent wind, marine and solar power.


  • BSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Leeds University, 1985
  • Software and Electrical Systems Engineer, Morris Cranes, Loughborough, 1986-1991
  • Self-employed Musician, 1991-1997
  • Joined 亚洲情色, 1997
  • PhD Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 亚洲情色, 2004
  • Senior Lecturer in Electrical Networks and Systems, 亚洲情色, 2008

Research interests

Murray's research is primarily in the area of energy systems modelling, with a focus on high temporal resolution: looking at how things vary on an hourly or even minutely basis, as opposed to just considering annual averages or worst-case minimums and maximums.

He is interested in three closely related areas:

First is electricity consumption, at the level of the individual consumer, individual appliances and time of use. Where does it all go? Who is using it? Why are they using it? What are they using it for? When are they using it? Could they use it at a different time?

Second is the balancing of national electricity supply and demand as they vary throughout the day and throughout the year, particularly considering future scenarios including very high penetrations of low-carbon technologies such as wind and solar power. How much conventional backup plant is needed? How often will it get used? What is the role of energy storage? To what extent could time-shifting the demand be of value? He calls this Flexible Demand or Demand Response; it is part of Demand Side Management.

Third is the operation of local distribution networks, particularly the "last mile" of cables or overhead lines that deliver electricity to individual homes and commercial buildings. How will these networks cope with an influx of low-carbon technologies such as photovoltaics, electric vehicles and heat pumps? How can we avoid digging up the roads? The "last mile" implies a focus on 400 V three-phase and 230 V single-phase circuits, which are called low-voltage or LV networks in the UK.

Murray's research in these broad areas is supported through EPSRC projects including:

  • Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage 
  • Realising Transition Pathways - Whole Systems Analysis for a UK More Electric Low Carbon Energy Future 
  • Transformation of the Top and Tail of Energy Networks 
  • Stability and Performance of Photovoltaics 
  • LEEDR: Low Effort Energy Demand Reduction 

And previously:

  • DD-DSM: Demonstration of Distributed Demand-side Management as a service to the UK grid operator 
  • Transition pathways to a low carbon economy 
  • SUPERGEN Highly Distributed Power Systems Consortium 
  • Impacts of, and limits to, wide scale embedded generation from micro-CHP and photovoltaics 
  • SOLAR CITY: An Electrical Energy Supply and Demand Planning Tool for The Urban Environment 

E.ON have also generously supported his research over many years.

In practice, much of the actual work is done by his colleagues:

Dr Ian Richardson has done a lot of good work on integrated high-resolution modelling of domestic electricity demand and low-voltage electricity distribution networks. He did his PhD with Loughborough and is now a Visiting Academic.

Dr John Barton is a Research Associate and works on modelling of the balancing of national electricity supply and demand with high temporal resolution. His FESA model considers the GB power system on an hourly time-step basis, including detailed representations of energy storage and demand side management (flexible demand).

Graeme Hodgson is investigating the barriers to the implementation of Flexible Demand within the GB electricity supply system. This includes structural barriers such as commercial or regulatory disincentives and technical barriers relating to the practical implementation of commercial Flexible Demand services.

Sarah Higginson is researching how people use energy within their homes and whether there is scope to influence the timing of peoples’ energy-consuming practices so as to achieve a degree of flexibility that can assist in balancing a low-carbon power system of the future.

Eoghan McKenna is looking into how people may respond to a variable price of electricity at the domestic retail level, including the possibility that the price variations may be irregular and unpredictable due to the natural intermittency of wind and solar power.

Shiva Beharrysingh is modelling the operation of electricity distribution networks particularly with regard to phase unbalance, so that this aspect of power-quality does not become an obstacle to the use of electric vehicles, heat pumps, photovoltaics or any other low-carbon technologies.

Michal Krawczynski is a Research Associate working on a stochastic model of domestic thermal demand that can be integrated into the high-resolution electricity demand modelling mentioned above.

Murray also supervises MSc projects on the CREST Masters in Renewable Energy, and occasionally MEng projects.

Computer programming and written communication skills are very valuable throughout this field of research.

Current teaching responsibilities

,  & , which is a core module on the CREST Masters in Renewable Energy Systems Technology, offered to both on-campus and distance-learning students and available to industrialists as well.

, which is a third-year undergraduate module.

He also lectures Offshore Windfarm Connections within the ,  & .

To support the above, Murray has developed a bespoke e-learning software package to convey the principles of electrical machines and concepts used in AC electrical power systems. It has 3-d interactive graphics to allow students to "see" the rotating flux and to get a "feel" for reactive power, phasor diagrams and so on. 

Additionally, he presents the Electrical Aspects of Wind Power on both the , which is primarily for industrialists, and the Renewable Energy Technologies Short Course for the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Murray also supervises MSc projects on the CREST Masters in Renewable Energy, and occasionally MEng projects. Please see the Research tab.

Previous responsibilities

Previously, he lectured on the Postgraduate Diplome in Energy, EPFL, Switzerland and was Chair of Governors at Rendell Primary School, Loughborough.