Professor Eef Hogervorst

Pronouns: She/her
  • Professor of Psychology

Eef Hogervorst did her PhD at the University of Maastricht on the modelling of age-related cognitive decline.

She subsequently worked at the Universities of Oxford (1998-2005), Arkansas Medical Sciences USA, and Cambridge as a neuropsychologist and epidemiologist, investigating risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline.

Professor Eef Hogervorst talks about her dementia research at 亚洲情色.

Early diagnoses and modifiable risk and protective factors (e.g., hormones, exercise, and nutrition) for dementia and age-related cognitive decline; development and validation of cognitive tests and computerized diagnostic systems.

Current research

Eef's research interests are in early dementia screening and treatment, and she has set up collaborations with UK universities in Oxford, Cambridge, and London, and multiple partners abroad, e.g., in Shanghai China, Bangalore India, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta Indonesia, and Perth Australia, to assess her test battery. This research includes the use of standardized questionnaires to investigate risk and protective factors for dementia and age-related cognitive decline, which is funded by the Alzheimer's Research Trust and other bodies, such as the New Dynamics of Ageing (investigating the use of ICT). Eef is also involved in exercise, sex steroid, and nutritional treatment programs to improve cognitive function and mood in the elderly (e.g., KEEPS funded by NIA in the USA).


  • The Curt Richter Award of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Trier, Germany (1998)
  • The Blaschko fellowship (1998) and Somerville JR fellowship (1999-2003) at Oxford
  • Recipient Junior faculty Poster Award Women’s Cognitive Health: the role of estrogen and other factors in dementia’ conference USA (November 8-10, 1999)
  • For dementia diagnostics: the Leicester Best conference poster award Delivering the best Leicester Primary Care Alliance (14-7 2005)

Journal Activity

  • Editorial board for Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Journal of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinsonism
  • Editor Faculty 1000 Women's Mental Reproductive Health
  • Guest editorial staff duties: The Aging Male, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology; BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease; Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders

Journal Referee

Reviewer for:

  • Neuropsychopharmacology
  • Psychopharmacology
  • CNS Spectrums
  • Exp Opinion on Investigational Drugs
  • Exp Opinion Pharmacotherapy
  • Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs

Expert Review:

  • Neurotherapeutics
  • Current Pharmaceutical Design
  • Mechanisms of Ageing & Development
  • J of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders
  • Perceptual and Motor Skills 
  • Physiology & Behavior 
  • Niological Psychology
  • Neuropsychologia
  • Applied Ergonomics
  • Eur J Clin Nutrition 
  • Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research
  • Physiology & Behavior 
  • Hormones & Behavior 
  • Hormone Research 
  • Clinical Breast Cancer
  • Human Reproduction Journals 
  • Psychoneuroendocrinology
  • J Neuroendocrinology
  • Climacteric, Maturitas 
  • Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
  • The Aging Male, Age & Ageing 
  • BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease
  • Archives of Internal Medicine (JAMA)
  • Med J Austr
  • Clin Med Research,
  • Biological Psychiatry
  • Archives of General Psychiatry
  • Br J Psychiatry 
  • Neurology India 
  • J of Neuroscience
  • Neurobiology of Aging
  • BMC Neurology
  • Neurology
  • JNNP
  • Annals of Neurology

Learned Societies and Professional Affiliations

  • 2005 Elected Young Fellow Royal Society of Medicine London
  • 2007 Member Association for Psychological Science
  • 2004- Scientific advisor British Andropause Society
  • 2005- Member Women’s Health, U.S.A.
  • 2006- Member International Society for the 亚洲情色 of the Aging Male (ISSAM)
  • 2007 Member Alzheimer’s Research Trust East Midlands group
  • 2002 Member Alzheimer’s Society, Member Alzheimer’s Research Trust
  • 2006 Member British Society for Ageing Research

Visiting Titles

  • Adjunct Professor Center for Aging Studies Depok Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Honorary Visiting Senior Research Fellow University of Cambridge Department of Public Health and Primary Care
  • Honorary Visiting Professor University of Respati, Department of Public health and Epidemiology, Yogyakarta and Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Invited Lectures/Keynotes

  • Hogervorst, E. et al. Brain Aging and Dementia conference Kenya 4-7 December 2012 invited lecture Dementia screening in Indonesia
  • Hogervorst E. (2012). Sex steroids and their effect on the brain. Invited keynote British Menopause Society UK 5-6 July.
  • Hogervorst, E. (2012) Androgens and cognition. Invited keynote EMAS 27-31 March, 2012 Athens
  • Hogervorst, E. (2012) Modifiable risk factors for dementia. Invited keynote Alzheimer’s Research Trust UK (ARUK) 27-28 March 2012 Birmingham
  • Hogervorst, E. (2012). Tumeric and memory. Invited presentation International Conference Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 25-29 Feb New Delhi India
  • Hogervorst, E. 2011. Risk factors for dementia. Invited keynote The Population Aging Explosion: Opportunities and Challenges, Bali, Indonesia, 11-12 October, 2011, organized by AIPI (Indonesian academy of sciences
  • Hogervorst, E. & Stock, J. Attitude Change Intervention to improve well-being in Elderly. API (Indonesian Psychogeriatric Association) April 2011. Makassar, Indonesia. Invited Workshop
  • Hogervorst,. E 2011. Age friendly cities. SEAC ACAP, Bali October 13-14 Invited lecture
  • Hogervorst, E., Bandelow, S., Rahardjo TB (2011) Cross cultural validation of a dementia screening test ICAD Paris July 16-19-2011 Vol. 7, Issue 4, Supplement, Pages S160-S161
  • Clifford, AH, Bandelow, S., Hogervorst, E. (2011) Preventing cognitive decline in the elderly through physical activity in midlife Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association Vol. 7, Issue 4, Supplement, Pages S95-S96
  • Vd Wardt, V, Bandelow, S., Hogervorst, E. (2011) Cognitive abilities, well-being and Internet search performance in older people. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association Vol. 7, Issue 4, Supplement, Page S502
  • Bandelow, S., vd Wardt, V, Clifford, A., Hogervorst, E. (2011) Accurate non-invasive diagnoses of Alzheimer's disease using eye scanning. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association Vol. 7, Issue 4, Supplement, Pages S155-S156
  • Hogervorst, E. Hormone treatment, cognition and dementia. 13th World Conference on Menopause IMS Rome 8-11 June, 2011 Invited speaker plenary session the menopausal brain. Chair of plenary session: menopause, mood and cognition.
  • Hogervorst. E. Dementia and oral health. Invited keynote lecture Tokyo Japan Japanese Dentistry Society (JADS) October 22-24, 2010
  • Van der Wardt, V, Bandelow, S., & Hogervorst, E. (2010). The relationship between cognitive abilities, well-being and use of new technologies in older people. In W.-P. Brinkman & M. Neerincx (Eds.) European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics ECCE 2010: Caring technology for the future (pp.333-334). Delft/The Netherlands: Mediamatica.
  • Van der Wardt, V, Bandelow, S., & Hogervorst, E. (2010). The relationship between cognitive functioning and digital engagement in older people - Presentation at Digital Futures '10, Nottingham, 10-12 October.
  • Hogervorst, E. Phytoestrogens and cognition. Estrogen expert meeting Stanford USA January 15-18 2010
  • Hogervorst, E. Duration of treatment hypothesis. Sienna Expert Neuroprotective effect of Estrogens Meeting Sept 17-19, 2009. Invited Keynote speaker
  • Hogervorst, E.  HRT and Cognition: is testosterone an alternative ? American Aging Association, 28 May-1 June 2009 Scottsdale Arizona Yale Hotel, USA Invited keynote speaker
  • Hogervorst, E. HRT and Cognition: age and duration of treatment theory. Invited speaker EMAS London, 16-19 May 2009

Advisory Roles

  • from 2001 - Reviewer Alzheimer’s Association (U.S.A.) annual grant (NIRG, IIRG, Zenith) applications
  • 2007 Member of the European Scientific Referee panel for the European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE) project (the Future Leaders of Ageing Research, FLARE) funding programme
  • 2006-2010 Member Medical Research Council College of Experts (reviewing grant applications, advisory function on new schemes and strategic review, participate in Special Review Panels etc)
  • 2006 Reviewer for SPARC grant applications– Awards for Ageing Research (EPSRC/BBSRC)
  • 2006 Reviewer Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) grants for ‘Veni program’

Collaborative Research

  • We have collaborations with the following research groups: MRC CFAS (University of Cambridge) OPTIMA (University of Oxford) and RAMS, H-ABC, WHIMS and KEEPS in the USA. These are multi-centre studies involving the Universities of Stanford, Wisconsin Maddison, UCLA, UCSF, Harvard, Yale etc.

Commercialisation of Research

  • The Applied Cognitive Research group regularly does consultancies for pharmaceutical industry

Other Evidence of Esteem

  • Scientific Organizer, Initiator and Head of Scientific Organising Committee of the Expert meeting/conference ‘Hormones, cognition and dementia’ in Loughborough U.K. 18-21 March

Featured publications

  • Hogervorst, E., Radhardjo, T-B., Jolles, J., Brayne, C., Henderson, V.W. (2012). Gender differences in verbal learning in older participants. Aging Health 8(5). Invited paper special issue
  • Hogervorst E, Clifford A, Stock J, Xin X, Bandelow S (2012) Exercise to Prevent Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s disease: For Whom, When, What, and (most importantly) How Much?.J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2:e117.doi:10.4172/2161-0460.1000e117 invited editorial
  • Leishaar, K, H-ABC including Hogervorst, E. (2012) The relationship of vitamin B12 and sensory and motor peripheral nerve function in older adults JAGS
  • Vd Wardt, V., Bandelow, S., Hogervorst, E. (2012) ICT use, mood and cognition in elderly. Gerotechnology, 10(4), 1-21
  • Holland, J., Bandelow, S., Hogervorst, E., (2011). Testosterone levels and cognition in elderly men: a review Maturitas. 2011 Aug;69(4):322-37. Epub 2011 Jun 2 (IF 2.03) invited review
  • Hogervorst, E. Mursjid, F., Priandini, D., Setyawan, H., Ismail, R.I., Bandelow, S., Rahardjo, TB. (2011) Borobudur revisited. Invited paper Brain Research, epub Oct 28 2010, Mar 16;1379:206-12.  (IF 2.46)
  • Hogervorst. E. & Bandelow, S.  Maturitas, 2010 May; 66(1) 56-71 Epub 2010 Mar 4 (IF 2.03) invited review
  • Kirby, L., Bandelow, S, Hogervorst, E. (2010) Visual impairment in Alzheimer’s disease Journal of Alzheimer’s disease. Jan;21(1):15-34. ( IF 5.01) invited paper
  • Hogervorst, E., Matthews, F.M., Brayne, C. (2010). Are optimal levels of testosterone associated with better cognitive function in healthy elderly women and men ? Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010 Oct;1800(10):1145-52. Epub 2010 Jan 7. (IF 2.713): invited for special issue