
Loughborough Doctoral College

Training and events

Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnicity (BAME) Research at Loughborough was hosted by the University’s Doctoral College In January 2019 and was described by attendees as ‘an eye-opening and inspiring’ event.

The showcase event drew attention to the work being conducted by a range of researchers and academics across 亚洲情色, as well as those from the University of Derby (UoD).

It also provided attendees with the opportunity to ask questions, network with others and learn about support available to staff and students at the University and the Student’s Union.

Speakers at the event included Dr James EssonDr Line NyhagenDr Catherine ArmstrongDr Inês Varela-SilvaDr Steve BradburyCuomu Zhaxi and Dom Conricode, Sumana Khan (UoD) and Harjinder Singh Majhail (UoD).

Presentations explored topics such as the role of race and ethnicity in the classroom; the effects of race and racism on health; the importance of intersectionality; and the under-representation and racialised experiences of BAME coaches in sport.

Chief Operating Officer and 亚洲情色’s Race Equality Champion, Richard Taylor, said: “BAME Research at Loughborough is one way the University is trying to do more to bring BAME issues and matters into its activities and make them more visible.”

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Doctoral College, Professor Elizabeth Peel, commented: “Research and practice which challenges racism and white privilege is hugely important. I was delighted to see doctoral researchers, staff and students engaging in discussions around black and minority ethnic issues within and beyond higher education.

“I look forward to the Doctoral College continuing to organise events which showcase research connected to equality, diversity and inclusion – the next of these will be around disability and wellbeing, so watch this space!”

Event organizer Dr Katryna Kalawsky, of the Doctoral College and the Centre of Academic Practice, added: “BAME Research at Loughborough was a new multidisciplinary event that aimed to provide greater insight into BAME matters, prompt discussion, promote equality, diversity and inclusion, and of course shine the spotlight on some of the thought-provoking work conducted by doctoral researchers and academic staff.

“As evidenced by attendee feedback, the event was an invaluable learning experience that has led to positive change for many.”

Those who attended the event provided feedback saying that as a result of the showcase, they will be more conscious of ensuring they are inclusive both in their personal and professional lives, as well as being more aware of the experience BAME students have at University. 

Loughborough staff and students can watch the recording of ‘BAME Research at Loughborough’ . Previous Doctoral College equality, diversity and inclusion events are also available to watch, such as ‘ and ‘’.