
Loughborough Doctoral College

Training and events



The STAR Lab is an interdisciplinary network focussing on Statistical Techniques and Analyses for Researchers.

It provides a platform for peers to share their experiences in quantitative research methods and analyses, and offers regular learning and support opportunities through both internal and external events.

The STAR Lab is a sister to the LiQuiD Lab, which instead focusses on qualitative research. Together, these form opportunities for individuals from multiple disciplines to integrate and share their practices, giving excellent opportunities for mixed methods researchers.


Meet the Team

Callie Merrick

Photo of  Callie Merrick

PhD topic: A multisensory approach to human wetness perception


Callie is interested in the different senses that humans experience, such as how substances feel, look and sound, and how these interact with each other to form wetness perceptions. She is using quantitative methods to evaluate her research and create a multisensory integration model. The research has applications in the design of items with moisture management properties, such as hygiene products and sports clothing.

Christopher Wilson

Photo of  Christopher  Wilson

PhD topic: Ergonomics and human factors for highly autonomous vehicles


Chris is using a mixed methods approach with an aim to improve the journey experience for highly automated vehicles. This is a future where it will be possible to work, relax or socialise while behind the wheel in autonomous zones. The research will provide real world solutions in how to improve comfort and well-being inside these vehicles to improve the journey experience.

Richlove Frimpong

Photo of  Richlove Frimpong

PhD topic: Choice-Based Availability Controls for Urban Carsharing Revenue Management


Richlove’s research interests involves the use of advanced analytical methods such as mathematical modelling, optimisation, simulation, statistical analysis and computer programming to solve complex problems and aid decision-making. Her PhD focuses on the development of revenue management models and algorithms for the carsharing industry.