Transparency of personal relationships at work policy

Policy agreed and implemented July 2024

1. Introduction

亚洲情色 (the University) is committed to high standards of openness, professional conduct, behaviour, integrity, inclusion and accountability. It is essential that we promote a culture based on dignity and respect, with healthy working relationships at its core.

2. Summary

This policy sets out the expectations and obligations for anyone acting in an official capacity on behalf of the University with respect to personal relationships regardless of sexual orientation and identity. While employees have the right to a private and family life, the University encourages a supportive climate whereby people feel safe to report a personal relationship and discuss its implications with management. For the purposes this policy, a personal relationship is defined as:

  • A family relationship.
  • Close personal friendships outside of the workplace.
  • A business, commercial or financial relationship.
  • A romantic/sexual relationship.

The above definitions are examples of personal relationships which may give rise to conflicts of interest in the workplace. However, this goes beyond situations usually covered by the Conflict of interest policy and procedure. For example, the formation of a relationship that creates unreasonable pressure between people or teams or where there may be an abuse of power, boundary blurring behaviour or perception of abuse of power. Please note, these examples are not exhaustive and anyone who considers that they are in a potential conflict of interest should declare it in accordance with the process outlined herein.

The University recognises that personal relationships can develop in the workplace. The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity on the university expectations and to ensure that such relationships are dealt with transparently. It is recognised that the impact of personal relationships will be different depending on the work people undertake or the level of grade they occupy including the potential impact on power dynamics in the workplace which needs to be managed carefully to reduce the risk of harm. The aim is to ensure a positive and supportive working environment where all are treated fairly.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all members of staff of the University (employees and workers), as well as external committee members, consultants, honorary appointments, volunteers, wardens/sub-wardens and any other person appointed or engaged to perform duties or functions on behalf of the University. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in further action which could be an investigation within the disciplinary procedure, whistleblowing or other appropriate procedure.

4. Other policy considerations

It is important to note that this policy should be read and adhered to in conjunction with the following University policies, as these also refer to standards of conduct:

Anti-bribery policy Anti-fraud and corruption policy
Anti-money laundering policy Business travel and expenses policy
Conditions of service Conflict of interest policy and procedure
Copyright policy CCTV Code of Practice
Data protection policy Disciplinary policy and procedure
Drug and alcohol misuse policy  Equality and diversity – legal requirements
Financial regulations Freedom of expression code of practice
Freedom of information policy Grievance procedure
Harassment and bullying policy Information governance policy
Information security policy IT acceptable use policy
Management of mental well-being policy Management of information security incidents
Mobile working policy Personal relationships policy 
Policy on the management of user access to information Recruitment and selection administration guidance
Research staff employment code of practice

Safeguarding policy

Sexual harassment, violence and misconduct policy Sickness absence policy and procedure
Smoking policy Social media guidelines for staff
Software policy University Ordinances
Whistleblowing policy and procedure


All policies are available on the University’s policy gateway. Please note that this list is subject to change in line with regular policy reviews.



5. Responsibilities

Relationships between staff and students

Personal relationships of an intimate or sexual nature between staff and students under 18 or students who are vulnerable adults are not permitted and may constitute a criminal offence. It is possible that relationships may develop outside of the workplace between staff and students. For example, a relationship may develop between two people who have no connections in the workplace but who are working and studying in different parts of the University. In this situation, the staff member must declare the relationship to their line manager in accordance with the process defined in appendix 1 and using the declaration form in appendix 2, so that a discussion can take place to ensure appropriate guidance is given and that there is no conflict. A record of the declaration form should then be sent to Human Resources for retention and reporting purposes and for the situation to be kept under review to ensure that a conflict does not develop over time.

Relationships between members of staff

It is accepted that personal relationships within the workplace are commonplace and in most situations are not problematic. Staff are expected to ensure that any personal relationships that they have in the workplace are disclosed to their line manager and do not have any influence over how they conduct their role.

To ensure that there is no conflict of interest, a member of staff should consider the following points when disclosing their relationship to their line manager: 

  • Are any staff or students likely to be made uncomfortable or feel their rights are affected in their dealings with either of the two staff members because of the existence of a known personal relationship?
  • Is a personal relationship seen to offer advantage to an employee and disadvantage to another by them feeling excluded from the relationship?
  • Is the relationship potentially interfering with the professional conduct of University’s business?
  • Is the relationship potentially damaging to the University’s reputation?
  • Is the relationship potentially having a negative effect on the workings of a team?

If the line manager and staff member identify any concerns at any stage, they should be discussed with HR, without delay, to establish the potential effect and for further advice as to alternative arrangements that may be put into place.

Personal relationships between members of staff, where one of the parties is able to (directly or indirectly) exert any power or influence over the other are strongly discouraged. If such a relationship develops, both parties are required to declare the relationship at the earliest opportunity to their line manager. In the case of a Dean or Director being in such a relationship, they should declare it to the Chief Operating Officer or Deputy Vice Chancellor. This will enable full transparency and will ensure arrangements are put in place to manage any potential conflicts of interest. These may include a change of line management, or movement of one party to another team. Care must be taken when implementing such changes to ensure that any mitigating action does not disproportionately adversely affect one party over the other. A failure to declare a personal relationship of this kind may result in an investigation under the disciplinary procedure, or other appropriate action.

A member of staff must, under no circumstances, use their position or status to encourage a personal relationship to develop in return for personal favours or career enhancement. Any such allegations will be investigated fully and may result in an investigation under the disciplinary procedure, or other appropriate action.

Any decisions regarding staff recruitment must be made based on facts. To avoid any accusation of bias, a member of staff must not be involved in an appointment where they are related to an applicant or have a significant personal relationship with them outside of work. Similarly, they must not be involved in decisions relating to discipline, promotion, recruitment or pay and conditions for any other employee or affiliate who is a relative, partner or someone with whom they have a significant personal relationship.

All relationships of a business or private nature with external contractors or potential contractors of the University should be made known to a person’s line manager where it may be relevant to the area of work and the principles set out in the Conflict of interest policy and procedure should be adhered to at all times.  

6. Resources for Managers

Whilst the circumstances described in this policy are likely to be rare, managers may need to seek advice if they are presented with a situation. Should this be required, managers should contact the HR Partnering Team, Student Services or Academic Registry for support.

Appendix 1 - Process to be followed

Declarations of intimate or close personal relationships:

  • Are to be made as soon as reasonably practicable and always within one month of the relationship starting.
  • Will be stored securely by Human Resources and managed in compliance with data protection legislation, as the declaration contains sensitive personal data.
  • Will be treated respectfully, sensitively and confidentially, with the wishes of both parties respected as far as is possible. This includes same-sex relationships where the parties may not be “out” publicly.

Staff who are unsure whether they have a close personal or intimate relationship with a student or staff member, should seek advice from their line manager in the first instance. Staff are particularly encouraged to seek advice if the other party expressly does not wish the relationship to be reported.

Students who are unsure whether they have a close personal or intimate relationship with a staff member should seek advice from their Personal Tutor, Head of Department/Division/Group, or the Student Services Team, depending on the nature of the potential relationship.

Staff and students must complete the Personal Relationships Declaration Form (appendix 2). This form should be completed even if the relationship was previously declared on a job or course application form and the process to be followed is as follows:

  1. Staff should submit the form to their manager who may need to discuss the details with them, Human Resources, or another appropriate individual(s). 
  2. Students should submit the form to their Personal Tutor or Head of Department/Division/Group (dependent on the nature of the relationship) who may need to discuss the details with the student or with the staff member's Line Manager, Human Resources, or other appropriate individual(s).
  3. Forms will be reviewed and, where appropriate and necessary, consultation with the parties should take place on what actions, if any, are required to remove any potential conflict. The actions will be documented on the form and copies provided to the relevant parties. Human Resources will store the form securely on the member of staff’s central HR file.
  4. Any unresolved matter should be referred upwards for discussion and a decision made on a resolution.
  5. In placing measures to manage any conflict of interest, managers may consider the following:
  • Any known vulnerability of the student or staff member.
  • The student’s or colleague’s personal circumstances at the time.
  • Whether there is a supervision or teaching arrangement in place at the time.
  • The circumstances of the student when the close personal relationship commenced or was initiated (for example, if the personal relationship existed prior to the staff/student relationship).
  • Any special family, kinship and elder relationships.
  • The nature of the two individuals’ contact in study, research or employment.
  • The potential for the staff member to influence the academic progress and outcomes or career progression of the student or colleague.
  • The extent of the power imbalance between the two individuals.
  1. Both the staff member and student or colleague will be notified of the conflict of interest management measures put in place.