Section 2 Offence

A section 2 offence is an offence that can be dealt with by the relevant officer for that section. For example, if an incident happens within halls that is deemed a section 2 offence it will be dealt with by the hall warden or an incident in a breach of IT regulations (Regulation XV) will be dealt with by the IT manager

How can the University support you?

Support will always be available to you:

    • If you feel you need support because the matter is affecting your health, including your mental health, you can access support from Student Wellbeing. You can do so via our .
    • If you have a disability, you should contact the Student Inclusivity for further advice and support. You can do so by emailing or phoning +44 (0)1509 222770

What Happens?

If you are suspected of committing a section 2 offence the university will inform you of the nature of the alleged offence and ask whether you want to admit or deny it. If the offence is denied whether you wish any mitigation to be considered.

What Support can the Student鈥檚 Union offer?

The Student’s Union offers support with appealing discipline so if you want to seek independent guidance on your appeal you can go to the LSU advice. You can find details of their services on the 

If you wish to contact the advice service based at the Loughborough Campus, you can do so via telephone (01509 635072) or email

If you wish to contact the advice service based at the London Campus, you can do so via email.

For guidance on the disciplinary process for a Section 2 Offence, take a look at LSU's .

What to do next?

If you choose to admit the Offence:

The Authorised Officer may issue a sanction immediately. This can be done verbally but will be followed up with email confirmation including details of the appeals process and the contact details for .

If you choose to deny the Offence:

If the offence is denied, then the Authorised Officer (AO) will request to meet with you and discuss the matter. You will also be presented with the relevant evidence during this process. Once the Authorised Officer has completed their investigation, they will consider whether the offence is proven or not.

If you are found guilty, the AO will issue an appropriate sanction. If there is insufficient evidence to show that a misconduct offence can be proven, then you will be notified in writing, and the matter will be closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the sanctions?

Sanctions can vary from anything from a formal written warning to exclusion from the University. 

A list of university sanctions can be found here. Please be aware that these are guidelines, and the panel may use their discretion in terms of the sanction applied.

If I am found guilty will people outside of the university find out?

The disciplinary process is a private matter between you and the University. We will not normally make any disclosure to anyone not directly involved with the issue, but may do so in certain circumstances where the University feels there is a wider issue.

The University will not inform your parents unless you are under the age of 18. We do realise that you may turn to home for support. However, this is your personal choice for you to make.

The University will not normally engage with third parties over disciplinary issues but may do so at your request and with your express consent.  The outcome of proceedings and the general details of sanctions imposed may be disclosed to a victim or victims at the direction of the Chief Operating Officer.

Last Updated: 22nd July 2022