Grime Scene Investigation

  • 7 November 2024
  • 10am - 3pm

A grime scene investigation is run to figure out exactly how much of our waste is correctly disposed of.

Auditing involves weighing and recording each of the bags to get individual weights and combining these to get a total weight of the waste being audited. Then, opening the bags of waste and separating the contents into different material categories each in a different bag.

The final step is weighing and recording the now segregated bags of waste. The weight should total roughly the same amount, any variation can usually be accounted for by the weight of the bags themselves and any liquids lost in the process.

The same process can be undertaken to look at contamination in the bags of recycling.

There will be 2 slots – 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00. Lunch will be provided to those who take part in both sessions.

Sign up to get involved using the form below. Or just pop along for a look on the day!

Contact and booking details

Megan Ward - Sustainability Officer
Email address
Booking required?