Athletics Centre Code of Conduct

Please find below the full code of conduct for all users of the Athletics Centre.

Overarching Principles

  • HiPAC is a high-performance environment, and all users will work together to ensure that is maintained.
  • HiPAC is a welcoming place, and all users will work together to welcome everyone into the facility.
  • All users will treat each other and the environment with respect at all times.


Code of Conduct

  1. ALL users of HiPAC must have a valid booking and either a valid membership or have paid the usage fee.
  • Users must be in possession of their Loughborough Sport membership, using their ID Card or smart phone (through the Loughborough Sport app) to access the facility.
  • Users must not ‘tailgate’ through reception to allow access to anyone who is not in possession of a valid Loughborough Sport membership.
  • Users must not allow others to make use of their Loughborough Sport membership.
  • Users must act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards all facility staff.


  1. Bookings are given precedence within the facility. When an area is reserved for a specific user as an exclusive booking, they are granted exclusive rights to that space. When bookings are non-exclusive, users are asked to work together proactively to utilise the available space.


  1. All Pay As You Go users must pay prior to using the facility either at reception or online through the Loughborough Sport app or website.


  1. Children under the age of 16 can only use the facility when accompanied by a coach or responsible adult. The facility is unsuitable for children under the age of 8, therefore babies and young children should not normally be taken into any office or training area, this includes in and around the track and the gym. Spectator access for events will be risk assessed on a case-by-case basis.


  1. Refund requests of Loughborough Sport membership fees must be received in writing to or by completing the cancellation form on our website. All requests will be considered in line with our terms and conditions.


  1. With respect to the premises and equipment, the facility staff exercise an on-going maintenance and inspection programme and therefore this facility is, as far as is practicable, in a safe condition for use by users. All users are asked to report defects, damage, or hazards immediately to the staff member on duty. Users are also required to accept responsibility for damage to, or loss of, equipment other items which result from their negligence or misuse of the facility and its’ equipment.


  1. As a responsible athlete/coach, when participating in or attending any athletics activities, including training/coaching sessions and competition events you will:
  • Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others.
  • Never try to recruit, either overtly or covertly, athletes who are already receiving coaching. (If approached by an athlete receiving coaching, refer them immediately to the coach currently providing coaching support). This principle being violated may result in a coach being asked to leave the facility temporarily or permanently.
  • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.
  • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.


  1. If using the facility following an anti-doping violation
  • An athlete will provide proof of their current athletics club membership.
  • An athlete will provide a copy of their ‘I run clean’ certificate.
  • Coaches will provide a copy of their ‘coach clean’ certificate.
  • Coaches will need to show proof of their current license and DBS.


  1. Track etiquette
  • Look both ways before crossing the track to avoid collisions.
  • Have event specific awareness – PV, LJ, TJ runways, plyo mat and no sitting on high jump or pole vault beds while athletes are training.
  • Respect other athletes and coaches working in the same area.
  • Respect the track as a place of work/performance environment.
  • Play your part in creating a welcoming environment to all users.


  1. Field etiquette
  • Do not enter the infield while throwing sessions are in progress.
  • Do not step over the ropes around the infield perimeter under any circumstances.
  • The infield is not to be used as a warmup or rehab area while athletes are throwing.
  • If you are asked to leave the area by the throws coach, please leave immediately.
  • All coaches and athletes need to ensure that the appropriate safety measures are used when throwing. This will include but not limited to the safety net for the throwing cages.  


  1. Training responsibilities
  • Always put your equipment away.
  • Play music with consideration for others at an appropriate volume and without profanity or abusive language of any kind.
  • HiPAC gym sessions must be led by a coach or have a minimum of two athletes training.
  • Coaches supported by 亚洲情色 cannot charge Loughborough Students for coaching or coaching services taking place on Loughborough campus unless an agreement is in place with the Director of Athletics.
  • Only UKA or 亚洲情色 employed practitioner staff can use track side physiotherapy beds.
  • Report any suspected misconduct by coaches or other people involved in athletics to or
  • Bags and belongings are not permitted on the track and should be stored away in the appropriate areas.


  1. Staff responsibilities
  • Staff are not permitted to train anywhere in the HiPAC unless they possess a valid membership.
  • Staff are not permitted to undertake meetings or working on laptops in isolation etc in any of the training areas. Staff should ONLY be in training areas when they are actively involved in athlete interaction and should not be doing administrative work or conducting meetings.
  • Staff are not permitted to undertake any work outside the duties permitted by their employer. For clarity, no member of staff is allowed to undertake any private work from any 亚洲情色 facility without express prior permission.
  • We encourage staff to eat food at the communal area provided on the first floor and a responsibility to leave the area clean and tidy.


  1. Footwear/dress code: Proper attire and footwear are required. The Facility Manager's judgment on the suitability of user’s attire and shoes is definitive and will be based solely on:
  • Health and safety considerations, and
  • The potential impact of the footwear/dress on the facility, such as the risk of floor damage, etc. Outdoor clothing and bags should be stored in the provided lockers.


  1. Food/drinks/glasses: No food (including chewing gum), glass bottles, cans or plastic/glass cups are allowed inside the facility. Users should use only suitable, sealed PLASTIC or METAL containers, i.e., an appropriate drinks or water bottle would be a good example.


  1. Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in immediate cancellation of the booking with no refund.


  1. Any grievance or complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the university customer care policy Contacts and complaints | Community Information | 亚洲情色 ( Aggressive, abusive, or intimidating behaviour will not be tolerated and will be reported to Security if persistent. This type of behaviour could result in being banned from the facility.


  1. Media and social media
  • All media enquiries must be agreed in writing by contacting the University PR Team, by email: All requests are at the discretion of Loughborough Sport and must be agreed in advance.
  • All filming / promotions or photography, other than that shared between athlete and coach for the purpose of improving performance, requires express permission before filming takes place.


The University operates a no-smoking policy within ALL of its buildings and facilities.

No unauthorised photography is permitted in any University facility.

Exceptions to these Terms and Conditions will be at the discretion of the Management Team