After your exams

Once your exams are over, there are processes which generate results and deal with any problems arising.

Mitigating Circumstances

The University recognises that you may miss part or all of an exam or fail, or feel that you were unable to meet your full potential due to circumstances beyond your control, either in the preparation for or during your exam. Where this is the case, you may submit a claim for Mitigating Circumstances in accordance with Regulation XVII.

For both in-person and online exams: If you are unwell (whether related to COVID-19 or other) and unable to attempt your exam, you should submit a Mitigating Circumstances claim. Please note that no evidence will be required when submitting a claim for this reason, and if upheld, it is very likely that the outcome will be a repeat attempt. Make sure to read through our Reassessment guidance to understand what this might involve.

If you were affected by an illness/health condition which started before the exam period and/or is expected to continue after the exam period ends, then you should refer to our full Mitigating Circumstances guidance about what evidence you may need to provide.

For online exams: Please note that any incorrect submissions or any files uploaded after your final submission time will not normally be marked. You may submit a Mitigating Circumstances claim outlining why your work was submitted late or incorrectly, and in particular for short-window exams, how you used your 30 minutes upload/download time. You should include evidence where possible. Please note that a mistake, poor time-keeping and/or poor organisation on their own will not normally be deemed valid reasons.

The deadlines for submitting Mitigating Circumstances claims for the 2022/23 academic year are as follows:

  • Semester 1: 08 February 2024
  • Semester 2 (UG Finalists): 17 June 2024
  • Semester 2 (Non-finalists/PGT): 21 June 2024
  • SAP: 10 September 2024
  • Semester 3: Please contact your School

For a full explanation of the process, follow the link below.

Mitigating Circumstances »

How are exams marked?

We have standard procedures for marking and moderating (reviewing and checking) online exam work. For more information on exams marking, please follow the link below.

All examination scripts are anonymously marked: i.e. the scripts are identified only by Student ID number and the identity of students is not revealed to the markers.

After your exams have been marked and moderated, they will then be passed to a Programme Board (along with marks that you may have been awarded for other assessments) in order that a final decision can be taken on your Part outcome.

How work is marked » Detailed information about assessment decisions

How will I receive my results?

Detailed information on the results release process can be found on our dedicated Results FAQ page.

Results FAQ page »

Academic Appeals

Regulation XIV describes the circumstances under which a student can make an appeal against the decisions of an academic board. Follow the link for a detailed explanation of academic appeals.

Please note that Academic Appeals based solely on work having been submitted incorrectly or late will not be accepted.

Academic Appeals »

Academic Transcripts and Degree Certificates

Upon successful completion of your programme, you will receive an official 亚洲情色 certificate which shows the award you have received.

The University also produces academic transcripts which show all the programme modules you have studied at Loughborough, the marks you achieved for those modules and your final award.

You will be provided with your academic transcript along with your certificate as part of the graduation process. Additional copies of your certificate or transcript can be ordered for a charge from the University's  by selecting the appropriate item from the Academic Registry section.

Certificates and Transcripts on Graduation site »