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Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

BSc (Hons) Banking, Finance and Management (2011 entry)

Academic Year: 2014/15

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our .

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution 亚洲情色
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department School of Business and Economics
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body

The programme is accredited by: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), The Institute of Financial Services (IFS) and the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT).

In order to qualify for the professional institutes’ examination exemptions offered to graduates from this degree, candidates must achieve minimum module marks stipulated by these bodies which, in some cases, exceed the minimum marks required for progression and degree award. Up to date information may be obtained from the relevant professional bodies

Final award BSc/ BSc DPS/ BSc DIntS
Programme title Banking, Finance and Management
Programme code BSUB20
Length of programme The duration of the programmes is six semesters, plus one academic year, and has four streams. Candidates following the Placement Stream are required to spend the third academic year undertaking professional training leading to the Diploma in Professional Studies, in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. Candidates following the 亚洲情色 Abroad Stream or the Language Related Placement Stream are required to spend the third academic year at an approved academic institution. Candidates following the Split Stream are required to spend six months of the third academic year undertaking professional training, and the other half of the third academic year studying at an approved academic institution. The 亚洲情色 Abroad, the Language Related Placement and the Split Stream lead to the Diploma in International Studies (DIntS) in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. The third academic year (Part I) occurs between Part B and Part C.
UCAS code N301
Admissions criteria


Date at which the programme specification was published Sat, 27 Sep 2014 08:50:41 BST

1. Programme Aims

The Banking, Finance and Management degree programme aims to produce high quality graduates with the knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of management, banking and economics for an effective and valued career in the financial services or a related management function.


Within this general aim the programme specifically seeks to encourage students

  • To develop knowledge, concepts and skills in the major academic disciplines of business and management as a sound basis for practice, study and training in the graduate’s chosen profession. 
  • To develop the concepts, analytical approaches, evaluative thinking and numeracy skills necessary for management problem solving, including through individual experience on placement. 
  • To develop a deep understanding in areas of accounting, banking law and practice, economics and monetary and financial systems by pursuing them over an extended period and in depth. 
  • To develop a full range of professional skills and personal qualities beneficial for managing in finance and banking related areas. 
  • To develop a critical awareness of the dynamics of the relevant UK and international environments affecting banking and finance. 
  • To develop a positive attitude to change, a desire for excellence, a visionary and positive approach to future developments and an openness to new ideas.

Consequently the programme seeks

  • To provide a relevant, practical and constantly updated programme through close links with banks, leading financial institutions and professional bodies and through vocational experience in a professional placement. 
  • To provide students with the opportunity to see ways in which theory can be applied in practice, both through taught content and through individual experience on professional placement. 
  • To provide the opportunity for students to examine critically and in depth key issues faced by modern day bankers and financial managers. 
  • To provide a range of optional subjects that, in addition to core subjects, will enable graduates either to obtain substantial exemptions from professional examinations or to pursue more general management careers. 
  • To develop teaching and learning in response to advances in scholarship and the needs of the business community. 
  • To enhance the employability of our graduates.


The School of Business and Economics at 亚洲情色 is distinctive amongst 'traditional' university business schools in incorporating a third year spent on professional placement. This is an integral element of the programme and something which we believe is of particular benefit in achieving these aims.  It offers students on our Banking, Finance and Management degree additional and valuable opportunities to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills.

2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

  • Accounting Subject Benchmark Statement (A)
  • General Business and Management Benchmark Statement (B&M)
  • The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
  • Requirements of the relevant professional bodies 

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the areas shown below. These intended learning outcomes are set in the context of the QAA subject benchmark statements for Accounting and General Business and Management.  Those relating directly to the benchmarks are marked (A) and/or (B&M) below.

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  • the foundation disciplines of business and management including economics, mathematics and statistics sufficient to enable a clear understanding of the central aspects of the main business and management functions (B&M);
  • the economic, technological, financial, legal, cultural and political context within which banks and other businesses operate (B&M amended);
  • the nature of organisations and the behaviour of people within them, both individually and working in groups (B&M);
  • integration of concepts and from the various business disciplines to comprehend business situations and develop appropriate analysis and solutions (B&M);
  • banking and financial management in its major contexts, including the legal and social environments and the business entity and capital markets (A amended);
  • current technical language, developments, methods, practices and issues in banking and financial management;
  • selected techniques and practices in banking and financial management;
  • methods of recording and summarising economic events and preparation of financial statements (A);
  • analytical tools for the effective financial management of  business operations (A);
  • the sources, uses and management of finance, the use of accounting and other information systems for managerial applications (B&M);
  • the management and development of people within organisations (B&M);
  • the development, management and exploitation of information systems and their impact on organisations (B&M);
  • the development and operation of markets for resources, goods and services including customer expectations, market orientation and the marketing mix (B&M);
  • the key communication and information technologies used in business and management (B&M);
  • The development of appropriate policies and strategies for (banks) at the corporate level within a changing national and international environment (B&M).

3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • use critical thinking, analysis and synthesis to evaluate and apply concepts and insights from business disciplines, including comprehension of complex scenarios (B&M) (A);
  • formulate and solve problems, both structured and unstructured,
  • advise on decisions using appropriate qualitative and quantitative skills, including the ability to identify and evaluate a range of  alternative solutions (B&M);
  • gather relevant data and evidence from various sources, integrate them appropriately and reference sources  adequately and critically evaluate arguments and evidence (A);
  • relate theory to practice in Banking, Finance and Management (B&M)
b. Subject-specific practical skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Communicate effectively in a business context, using a range of styles and media appropriate for management (B&M);
  • make effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in a business context including word processing, storage and manipulation of data, generation of presentations, use of the internet and e-mail using appropriate software (B&M)
  • conduct research using a range of sources of business-related materials including books, journals, trade and financial press, official statistics and the internet (B&M)
  • use effective team-working skills, including leadership, team-building and project management (B&M)
  • use credit appraisal skills and knowledge of funding options to review a wide range of business proposals from the financier's perspective
  • apply numeracy and economic modelling techniques to finance problems and phenomena (B&M amended)
c. Key transferable skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Organise themselves personally and independently to be a valued contributor through  time management, self-direction, self-motivation, tenacity and proactiveness (B&M);
  • Analyse and assess their own personality, needs and abilities and be proactive in managing their personal development (B&M);
  • Deploy appropriate interpersonal skills to achieve the best from others, including effective communication, listening, influencing and conflict resolution (B&M);
  • Display a positive attitude to change, with a desire for excellence and a visionary and positive approach to future developments;
  • Accept and analyse new ideas and assess alternatives when presented with a range of possible interpretations and/or solutions;
  • Learn and work independently (B&M);
  • Interpret numerical information, reason numerically and apply appropriate mathematical and statistical techniques (B&M);
  • Communicate clearly and persuasively, both orally and in writing (B&M);
  • Use information and communication technologies effectively and efficiently (ICT);
  • Work well in a team, using appropriate skills, including leadership, team-building and project management (B&M).

4. Programme structure

4.1       Part A - Introductory Modules

            Semester 1

i)       COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 60)



Modular Weight


Organisational Behaviour



Financial Accounting Fundamentals

(weight 20)                continued in Semester 2



Microeconomics for Financial Studies



Introduction to Banking



Quantitative Methods for Business A






Quantitative Methods for Business B



IT for Professional Development



            Semester 2

i)       COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 60)



Modular Weight


Personal Effectiveness



Financial Accounting Fundamentals

(weight 20)                continued from Semester 1



Macroeconomics for Financial Studies



Banking Securities



Business Modelling A






Business Modelling B



4.2       Part B - Degree Modules

            Semester 1

i)       COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 50)



Modular Weight


Business Information Management






Human Resource Management



Decision Making Analysis



Economics of the Financial System (weight 20)                continued in Semester 2



ii)      OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10)

One module from the Business catalogue of Part B optional modules for this programme, or any available ECB module subject to School approval.


Semester 2

i)       COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 40)



Modular Weight


Financial Management



Business Lending



Accounting for Management Decisions



Economics of the Financial System (weight 20)              continued from Semester 1



ii)      OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 20)

Two modules from the Business catalogue of Part B optional modules for this programme, or any available ECB module subject to School approval.


4.3       Part I

Candidates pursue one of the following streams:

i)       Placement Stream

Candidates will undertake an appropriate business placement.

ii)      亚洲情色 Abroad Stream

Candidates will study at one of the School of Business and Economics approved academic institutions.

iii)       Split Stream

         Candidates will undertake an appropriate business placement for half the year and will study at one of the School of Business and Economics approved academic institutions for the other half of the academic year.

(iv)    Language Related Placement

         Candidates will undertake a year abroad in employment, for example as an English language assistant in a school or other educational establishment,  approved by the School of Business and Economics.

4.4       Part C - Degree Modules

            Semester 1

i)       COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 20)



Modular Weight


Financial Management and Corporate Policy



Principles of Strategic Management



ii)      OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 40)

Modules with a total modular weight of 40 from the Business catalogue of Part C optional modules for this programme.


            Semester 2

i)       COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 20)



Modular Weight


Corporate and Wholesale Banking



Strategy in Banking 



ii)      OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 40)

Modules with a total weight of 40 from the Business catalogue of Part C optional modules for this programme.

5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

In order to progress from Part A to Part B and from Part B to C and to be eligible for the award of an Honours degree, candidates must not only satisfy the minimum credit requirements set out in Regulation XX but also: 

- To progress from Part B to the period of professional training or study at an approved institution abroad, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part B as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in Part B.

Provision will be made in accordance with regulation XX for candidates who have the right of re-assessment in Part A or Part B of the programme to undergo re-assessment in the University’s special assessment period.

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

Candidates’ final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C, in accordance with the scheme set out in regulation XX.  The average percentage marks for each Part will be combined in the ratio Part B 25: Part C 75, to determine the final overall percentage mark for the Programme (the Programme Mark).

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