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LE11 3TU
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Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

Undergraduates Physics Programmes

Academic Year: 2014/15

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our .

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution 亚洲情色
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department Department of Physics
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body

Institute of Physics

Final award BSc/ BSc+DIS/BSc+DInts/MPhys/MPhys+DIS/MPhys+DIntS
Programme title Physics, Engineering Physics, Physics with Cosmology/Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology, Physics and Mathematics, Sport Science and Physics, Physics and Management, Physics with Sport Science
Programme code See Programme Structure
Length of programme
UCAS code See Programme Structure
Admissions criteria

Date at which the programme specification was published Mon, 29 Sep 2014 10:55:31 BST

1. Programme Aims

  PH BSc & Mphys EngPH BSc & Mphys PHMA BSc  & Mphys PHCos BSc & Mphys PH w AstroCos BSc & Mphys SS&PH BSc Ph w SS BSc & Mphys Ph w Man BSc
Formulate problems in precise terms and identify key issues, construct logical arguments and use technical language correctly. x x x x x x x x
To enable students to apply a broad understanding of the basic principles of physics to the solution of physical problems. x x x x x x x x
To enhance students' skills in mathematics, problem solving, experimental techniques, scientific report writing and the collection and analysis of information. x x x x x x x x
To enhance students' skills in presenting information and the use of information technology. x x x x x x x x
To provide an environment that gives students opportunities to develop their own interests, self-reliance and career aspirations. x x x x x x x x
To educate students as physicists in preparation for employment in industry, public service or academic research by providing the knowledge, competence and skills expected of a physicist. x x x x x x x x
To prepare students for the transition to a career as a professional physicist Mphys only              
To provide students with a sound grounding in chosen aspects of engineering related to physics   x            
To provide students with a solid foundation of the core areas of mathematics and allow students to further their own mathematical interests through module selection.     x          
To provide a sound mathematics and physics based intellectual education appropriate to the needs of society     x          
To educate students as physicists and mathematicians in preparation for employment in industry, public service or academic research by providing the knowledge, competence and skills expected of a mathematical physicist     x          
The programme aims to provide a Physics core with additional modules that develop the students’ knowledge and understanding of Astrophysics and Cosmology       x x      
To develop knowledge, understanding and skills in core sport sciences           x x  
To provide students with selected specialised areas of study so that they experience the frontiers of research in sports science           x x  
To provide students with a sound understanding of the main functions of management and how they integrate into overall business planning and management               x

2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

  • The national benchmark statement for Physics.
  • Institute of Physics degree accreditation guidelines.
  • University Teaching and Learning Strategy.
  • Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: PH BSc & MPhys EngPH BSc & MPhys PHMA BSc & MPhys PHCos BSc & MPhys PH w AstroCos BSc & Mphys SS&PH BSc Ph w SS BSc & Mphys Ph w Man
K1 x x x x x x x x
Knowledge and understanding of most fundamental physical laws and principles and competence in the application of these principles to diverse areas of physics
K2 x x x x x x x x
An ability to identify physical principles relevant to a problem and to make approximations necessary to obtain solutions
K3 x x x x x x x x
An ability to execute and analyse critically the results of an experimental investigation and to draw valid conclusions with an estimate of the uncertainty in the result. The ability to critically compare experimental results with the predictions of theory
K4 x x x x x x x x
Knowledge of the primary mathematical methods for the analysis of physical problems
K5 x x x x x x x x
An ability to solve problems in physics using appropriate mathematical tools
K6 x x x x x x x x
An ability to communicate scientific information especially in the form of clear and accurate scientific reports
K7 x x   x x x    
An ability to use competently IT packages and knowledge of computer programming
K8 MPhys Only   MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only  
Knowledge of the fundamental principles and applications of some advanced areas of physics or astrophysics at, or informed by, the forefront of the discipline
K9 MPhys Only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only  
An ability to use competently advanced experimental techniques,  theoretical and/or computer modelling to tackle an advanced problem and to interpret results obtained
K10   x            
Knowledge and understanding of the general engineering principles and the particular problems of application in the chosen subject area
K11   x            
Knowledge of the primary mathematical methods for the analysis of physical and engineering problems
K12   x            
An ability to identify physical principles relevant to a physics or engineering problem and to make approximations necessary to obtain solutions
K13   MPhys only            
Knowledge and understanding of a number of specialist engineering science disciplines in greater depth than is normally associated with a first degree award
K14     BSc only          
An understanding of core concepts in mathematics
K15     BSc only          
Knowledge and understanding of a range of analytical, numerical and qualitative mathematical techniques
K16     x          
An ability to use competently IT packages and a knowledge of the use of mathematical software in problem solving
K17       x x      
Knowledge and understanding of most fundamental physical laws and principles and competence in the application of these principles to diverse areas of physics, astrophysics and cosmology
K18       x x      
An ability to solve problems in physics, astrophysics and cosmology using appropriate mathematical tools
K19           x x  
Understanding of core sports science from both a theoretical and practical perspective
K20           x x  
Knowledge of the techniques required for a range of sports
K21           x x  
Understanding of the tactical/strategic factors involved in sport
K22               x
An ability to apply competently computer software for the solution of physics and business problems
K23               x
Knowledge of the foundational disciplines of management, including economics, business mathematics and statistics
K24               x
An understanding of Business Finance and Financial Reporting

3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: PH BSc & MPhys EngPH BSc & Mphys PHMA BSc & MPhys PHCos BSc & MPhys PH w AstroCos BSc & MPhys SS&PH BSc PH w SS BSc & Mphys
C1 x x x x x x x
Recognise and analyse novel problems and plan strategies for their solution
C2 x x x x x x x
Evaluate, interpret and collate information and data
C3 x x x x x x x
Use mathematics to describe the physical world, selecting appropriate equations, constructing mathematical models, interpreting results and, where appropriate, critically comparing them with experiment and observation
C4 BSc only BSc only BSc only BSc only BSc only x BSc only
Apply appropriate knowledge and understanding to the solution of qualitative and quantitative problems of a familiar and unfamiliar nature
C5 MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only
Apply appropriate knowledge and understanding to the solution of qualitative and quantitative problems of a familiar and unfamiliar nature some of which are close to the forefront of the discipline
C6   x          
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concept, principles and theories relating to areas of physics and engineering
C7     x        
The ability to construct logical mathematical and physical arguments
C8     x        
The ability to select appropriate mathematical tools to model the behaviour of the physical world
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: PH BSc & MPhys EngPH BSc & MPhys PHMA BSc & MPhys PHCos BSc & MPhys PH w AstroCos BSc & Mphys SS&PH BSc  Ph w SS BSc & Mphys Ph w Man
P1 x x x x x x x x
Observe, accurately record and analyse, including estimates of accuracy, the results of experiments into physical processes
P2 x x x x x x x x
Communicate ideas effectively by means of written reports and orally
P3 x x x x x x x x
Draw valid conclusions from results obtained through experiment or investigation and compare these with expected outcomes or published data
P4 x   BSc only x x x x x
Apply appropriate mathematical or computing tools to a physical problem
P5 BSc only BSc only BSc only BSc only BSc only x BSc only x
Plan and execute, under supervision, a research project on a topic of current scientific and/or engineering interest
P6 MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only  
Under supervision, plan and execute a research project on a topic close to the frontiers of knowledge
P7 MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only  
Show competence in the use of advanced experimental equipment
P8   x            
Apply appropriate mathematical or computational tools to a physical or engineering problem
P9     MPhys only          
Apply appropriate mathematical or computing tools to an advanced physical problem
P10     MPhys only          
Relate mathematics to physical processes, and thus obtain quantitative and qualitative information about the real world
P11           x x  
Analyse skills, techniques and tactics in sport
P12           x x  
Demonstrate practical skills relevant to a range of core sports
P13           x x  
Show skills specific to their chosen specialist area of sports science
P14               x
Prepare and interpret financial reports
P15               x
Show the relationship between the business context and financial reporting
P16               x
Apply techniques for understanding and managing people at work
P17               x
Apply the principles of marketing and the role of marketing management
c. Key transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: PH BSc & MPhys EngPH BSc & MPhys PHMA BSc & MPhys PHCos BSc & MPhys PH w AstroCos BSc & MPhys SS&PH BSc PhwSS BSc & MPhys Ph w Man
T1 x x x x x x x x
Formulate problems in precise terms and identify key issues, construct logical arguments and use technical language correctly
T2 x x x x x x x x
Communicate ideas concisely, accurately and informatively using both written and oral means
T3 MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only  
Communicate complex scientific ideas concisely, accurately and informatively using both written and oral means
T4 x x x x x      
Use standard IT packages and write computer programs
T5           x x x
Make effective use of IT tools for acquiring and processing information
T6 x x x x x x x  
Retrieve and evaluate information from a range of primary and secondary sources and present complex information in a  clear and concise manner
T7 x x x x x x x  
Work with others, as required, when carrying out tasks
T8 x x x x x x x  
Demonstrate general study skills, including the ability to learn independently using a variety of media
T9 MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only MPhys only   MPhys only  
Demonstrate self-direction in tackling and solving problems and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks
T10 x x x x x x x  
Demonstrate time management and organisational skills
T11   x            
Apply an engineering approach to the solution of problems

4. Programme structure

Programme titles and codes:
Programme Code Title Award Abbreviation  
PHUB01 Physics BSc Ph
PHUM01 Physics MPhys Ph
PHUB02 Engineering Physics BSc Eng Ph
PHUM02 Engineering Physics MPhys Eng Ph
PHUB03 Physics and Mathematics BSc Ph & Math
PHUM03 Physics and Mathematics MPhys Ph & Math
PHUB05 (pre 2014 entry) Physics with Cosmology BSc Ph w Cos
PHUM05(pre 2014 entry) Physics with Cosmology MPhys Ph w Cos
PHUB05 (2014 entry) Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology BSc Ph w AstroCos
PHUM05 (2014 entry) Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology MPhys Ph w AstroCos
PHUB14 Sport Science and Physics BSc SS & Ph
PHUB15 Physics and Management BSc Ph w Man
PHUB14 (from 2014) Physics with Sport Science BSc Ph w SS
PHUM14 (from 2014) Physics with Sport Science MPhys Ph w SS
Programme structure
Compulsory Module
Optional Module
4.1 PART A
    Cred Sem Ph Eng Ph Ph w AstroCos Ph & Math Ph  w SS  
MAA108 Mathematics for Physics 1 10 1 x x x   x
MAA208 Mathematics for Physics 2 10 2 x x x   x
MPA107 Mechanics of Materials 10 2 x x x    
PHA101 Mechanics 15 1 x x x x x
PHA102 Electricity & Magnetism 15 1 x x x x x
PHA181 Physics Laboratory 1 10 1 x x x    
PHA190 Information Skills 10 1 x x x    
PHA201 Atomic and Thermal Physics 10 2 x x x x x
PHA290 Computing 10 2 x x x x  x
PHA220 Astronomy 10 2 x x x    
PHA282 Physics Laboratory 2 10 2 x x x    
PHA285 Joint Physics Lab 1 10 2       x x
MAA160 Computer Applications in Mathematics 10 1       x  
MAA150 Mathematical Methods 1 10 1       x  
MAA142 Linear Algebra 10 1       x  
MAA270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 10 2       x  
MAA250 Mathematical Methods 2 10 2       x  
MAA242 Geometry and Groups 10 2       x  
PSA020 Introduction to Human and Exercise Physiology 10 1         x
PSA028 Biomechanics of Sport 10 1         x
PSA027 Acquiring Movement Skills 10 2         x
PSA026 Foundation of Sport and Exercise Psychology 10 2         x
4.2 PART B
        Cred Sem Ph Eng Ph Ph w Cos     (Ph w AstroCos from 2015) Ph & Math Ph w SS  (from 2014 entry) SS & Ph  
PHA285 Joint Physics Laboratory 1 10 2           x
PHB020 Practical Astronomy 10 1+2     x      
PHB101 Waves 10 1 x x x x x x
PHB102 Physical Cosmology 10 1 o   x      
PHB104 Quantum Mechanics 10 1 x x x x x x
PHB106 Nuclear Physics 10 1 x x x x x  
PHB180 Physics Laboratory 3 10 1 x x x      
PHB201 Fields 10 2 x x x x x x
PHB203 Thermal Physics 10 2 x x x x x x
PHB204 Radio Astronomy 10 2 o   x      
PHB207 Electronics 10 2 x x        
PHB110 Solid State Physics 10 2 x x x x x  
PHB280 Physics Laboratory 4 10 2 x x x      
PHB285 Joint Physics Laboratory 2 10 2       x x  
MAB108 Mathematics for Physics 3 10 1 x x x   x x
MMB300 Engineering Computation 10 1+2 o x        
MMB104 Control Engineering 10 1 o x        
EULxxx Language in Sem 1 10 1 o          
EULxxx Language in Sem 2 10 2 o          
MAA140 Analysis 1 10 1       x    
MAA155 Introduction to Applied Mathematics 10 1       x    
MAB160 Numerical Methods 1 10 1       x    
MAA240 Analysis 2 10 2       x    
MAB240 Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations 10 2       x    
PSB211 Exercise Physiology 20 1+2         x o
PSB027 Acquiring Movement Skills 10 1           o
PSB029 Biomechanics of Sports Movements 10 1           o
PSB031 Psychological Issues and Strategies in Sport 10 1         x o
PSB002 Structural Kinesiology 10 2           x
PSB026 Psycho-social Factors in Competitive Sport 10 2           o
PSB028 Methods of Analysis in Sports Biomechanics 10 2         x o
 4.3 PART C
    Cred Sem Ph Eng Ph Ph w Cos     (Ph w AstroCos from 2016) Ph & Math Ph w SS SS & Ph Ph & Man
PHB203 Thermal Physics 10 2             x
PHB106 Nuclear Physics 10 1           x x
PHB110 Solid State Physics 10 2           x x
PHC001 Physics Project 30 1+2 (minimum of 10 credits in each semester) xBSc xBSc   o xBSc    
PHC002 Astrophysics Project 30 1+2 (minimum of 10 credits in each semester)     xBSc        
PHC003 Physics and Management Project 20 1+2 (minimum of 10 credits in each semester)             x
PHC011 General Relativity and Cosmology 20 1+2 o o x o BSc only o=20 o>=10
PHC012 Quantum Physics 20 1+2 x x x x x o=20 o>=10
PHC013 Statistical Physics 10 1 x x x x x o=20 o>=10
PHC014 Condensed Matter Physics 20 1+2 o BSc      x MPhys o o BSc      x MPhys o   o=20 o>=10
PHC108 Modern Optics 10 2 o o o o o o=20 o>=10
PHC120 Surfaces, Thin Films and High Vacuum 10 1 o o o o o o=20 o>=10
PHC130 Fundamentals of Quantum Information 10 1 BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only)   o=20 (2014 only) o>=10
PHC150 Business Skills for Scientists 10 1 o o o o o o=20  
PHC180 Advanced Physics Laboratory 20 1+2 xMPhys xMPhys xMPhys   xMPhys    
PHC186 Joint Physics Laboratory 3 10 1           x  
PHC202 Superconductivity and Nanoscience 10 2 BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only)   o=20 (2014 only) o>=10
PHC205 Elementary Particle Physics 10 2 o o x o o o=20 o>=10
PHC207 Climate Physics 10 2 o o o o o o=20 o>=10
PHC230 Quantum Computing 10 2 BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only) BSc only (2014 only)   o=20 (2014 only) o>=10
PHC286 Sport Science and Physics Project 10 2           x  
DSC023 Studies in Science and Mathematics Education 10 2 o o o o o o=20 o>=10
CMB010(CAP) Atomic Spectrometric Analysis 10 2 o<=30   o<=30        
CMB020(CAP) Introduction to Forensic Science 10 2 o<=30   o<=30        
EULxxx Language Module, Sem 1 10 1 o<=30   o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
EULxxx Language Module, Sem 2 10 2 o<=30   o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
ELC003 Renewable Energy Sources 15 1&2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30      
ELC014 Biophotonics Engineering 15 1&2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30      
ELC022 Power Electronics for Renewables 15 1&2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30        
ELC030 Bioelectricity - Fundamentals and Applications 15 1&2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30      
MPC111 Advanced Principles of Materials 10 1 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
MPC114 Composite Materials 10 1 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
MPC101 Sustainability, Recycling and Environmental Issues 10 1 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
MMC101 Vibration and Noise 10 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30        
MMC301 Computer Aided Engineering 10 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30        
MMC700 Sports Engineering 10 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
MMC800 Internal Combustion Engines 20 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30        
MMC802 Computational Fluid Dynamics I 10 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30      
MPC014 Materials in Service 10 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30 o(BSc<=30), (MPhys<=10)    
MPC108 Surface Engineering 10 2 o<=30 o>=50 o<=30 o<=30      
MAC108 Mathematics for Physics 4 10 1 o BSc      x MPhys o o BSc      x MPhys   o BSc      x MPhys o=20 o>=10
MAC150 Inviscid Fluid Mechanics 10 1 o<=30   o<=30 o>=30 o<=30    
MAC300 BSc Mathematics Project 20 1+2       o      
MAB170 Probability Theory 10 1       o>=30      
MAC148 Introduction to Dynamical Systems 10 1       o>=30      
MAC175 Operational Research 10 1       o>=30      
MAC197 Introduction to Differential Geometry 10 1       o>=30      
MAB250 ODEs and Calculus of Variations 10 2       o>=30      
MAB270 Statistical Modelling 10 2       o>=30      
MAC249 Linear Differential Equations 10 2       o>=30      
MAC251 Vibrations and Waves 10 2       o>=30      
MAC272 Random Processes and Time Series Analysis 10 2       o>=30      
MAC297 Mathematical Biology 10 2       o>=30      
MAC298 Elements of Topology 10 2       o>=30      
PSC021 Physiology of Exercise and Health 20 1           o=60  
PSC022 Sport and Exercise Medicine 10 1           o=60  
PSC028 Advanced Methods of Analysis in Sports Biomechanics 10 1         o/x* o=60  
PSC019 Applied Physiology of Sports Performance 10 1         x o=60  
PSC031 Applied Sport and Performance Psychology 20 1           o=60  
PSC020 Sport Nutrition 10 2           o=60  
PSC026 Exercise Psychology 20 2          x o=60  
PSC027 Motor Control of Sports Movement 10 2           o=60  
PSC029 Mechanics of Sport Techniques 10 2         o/x* o=60  
BSC570 Strategic Management 20 1             x
BSC105 International Human Resource Management 10 1             o>=20
BSC110 Marketing Strategy and Planning 10 1             o>=20
BSC124 Marketing Communications 10 1             o>=20
BSC522 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 10 1             o>=20
BSC042 Corporate and Wholesale Banking 10 2             o>=20
BSC140 Lean Operations 10 2             o>=20
Part C Key
†        BSc Physics and Mathematics must take either PHC001 or MAC300.  Please note that only students who achieve an average of at least 65% in their Part B Mathematics modules will be eligible for MAC300.  Not available to MPhys students.
BSc     Compulsory only for BSC students
MPhys  Compulsory only for MPhys students
*       Ph w SS, PSC029 and PSC028: BSc students MUST choose one of these two options.  For MPhys students both are compulsory.
<=30   Up to 30 credits of engineering options can be taken from the list supplied
>=50   Students must take at least 50 credits of engineering options from the list supplied
=30   Students must take 30 credits of physics and related optional modules from the list supplied
=60   Students must take 60 credits of Sport Science optional modules from the list supplied
>=30   Students must take at least 30 credits of Mathematics optional modules from the list supplied
>=20   Students must take at least 20 credits of Business School optional modules from the list supplied
>=10   Students must take at least 10 credits of physics and related optional modules from the list supplied

(CAP)   Please note numbers may be capped.  A-level Chemistry is a pre-requisite for these modules.

All students in Part C may take a maximum of 30 credits of Part B level modules

 4.4 PART D
    Cred Sem Ph Eng Ph Ph w Cos (Ph w AstroCos from 2017) Ph & Math Ph w SS  
PHD001 Physics Research Project 60 1+2 (minimum of 20 credits in any semester) x x     x
PHD002 Astrophysics Research Project 60 1+2 (minimum of 20 credits in any semester)     x    
PHD004 Mathematical Physics Research Project 60 1+2 (minimum of 20 credits in any semester)       x  
PHD013 Statistical Physics  10 1 o♦ o♦ o♦ o♦ o♦
PHD120 Surfaces, Thin Films and High Vacuum 10 1 o♦ o♦ o♦ o♦ o♦
PHD130 Fundamentals of Quantum Information 10♥ 1 o ¥  o o o o
PHD202 Superconductivity and Nanoscience 10♥ 2 o ¥  o o o o
PHD205 Elementary Particle Physics 10 2 o♦ o♦ o~♦ o♦ o♦
PHD230 Quantum Computing 10♥ 2 o ¥  o o o o
PHD109 Characterisation Methods for Solid State Physics 15 2 (for 2014/15 only) o ¥ 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards
PHD100 Mathematical Methods for Research 15 1 o ¥ 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards
PHD201 Non-Linear Physics 15 2 o ¥ 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards 2015 onwards
MAD102 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 15 1 o o o o o
MAP102 Programming and Numerical  Methods 15 1 o o o o o
MAP111 Mathematical Modelling of Industrial Problems 1 15 1 o o o o o
MAP202 Static and Dynamic Optimisation 15 2 o o o o o
MAP211 Mathematical Modelling of Industrial Problems 2 15 2 o o o o o
MAP213 Fluid Mechanics 15 2 o o o o o
ELD533 Solar Power 1 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
ELD534 Wind Power 1 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
ELP002 MATLAB as a Scientific Programming Language 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
ELD535 Water Power 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
MMP130 Structural Analysis 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
MPP501 Polymer Properties 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30,2014/15 only o<=30
MPP502 Polymer Science 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30,2014/15 only o<=30
MPP551 Advanced Characterisation Techniques 15 1 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30,2014/15 only o<=30
ELD540 Advanced Photovoltaics 10 2 o<=30,2014/15 only o30-60 o<=30,2014/15 only o<=30,2014/15 only  
ELD541 Wind Power 2 10 2 o<=30,2014/15 only o30-60 o<=30,2014/15 only o<=30,2014/15 only  
MMD902 Laser and Optical Measurements 20 2 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30   o<=30
MMP103 Simulation of Advanced Materials and Processes 15 2 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
MPD103 Tomorrow's Materials 10 2 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
MPP556 Materials Modelling 15 2 o<=30 o30-60 o<=30 o<=30 o<=30
Part D Key
o♦        Only available to students entering Part C in 2013/14 or earlier
♥    Credit weighting change to 15  credits from 2015/16 onwards
¥    From 2015 students must take a minimum of weight 30 PH coded modules excluding project modules
<=30    Students can take up to 30 credits of engineering D or P modules from the list provided
30-60   Engineering Physics students must take between 30 and 60 credits of engineering  D or P modules from the list provided
Total Modular Weighting per Semester
Students normally study modules with a total weight of 60 in each semester.  However, in Part C and D, students may be allowed to study modules up to a total weight of 70 in a semester, 120 in the Part, subject to the consent of the Head of Department.
Optional Modules not Listed
In exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Director of Studies or Head of Department, candidates may be allowed to substitute an alternative 亚洲情色 module of the appropriate Part for any of the optional modules above.
Part I of the BSc and MPhys Programmes
BSc candidates opting to take eight semester and MPhys candidates opting to take ten semesters are required to spend the year following Part B either (a) an approved course of study at a University abroad or (b) professional training.  These lead to the awards of the Diploma in International Studies or the Diploma in Industrial Studies respectively in accordance with Regulation XI.
With the permission of the Programme Tutor, MPhys candidates may take this study/training following Part C.

5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

In order to progress from Part A to Part B, from Part B to C, from C to D (if applicable) and to be eligible for the award of an Honours degree, candidates must satisfy the minimum credit requirements set out in Regulation XX.


Physics and Mathematics BSc and MPhys Additional Progression Requirements

Part A to Part B

Candidates must, in addition, achieve at least 40% in three of the four core Mathematics Modules MAA150 Mathematical Methods 1, MAA142 Linear Algebra, MAA270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics, MAA250 Mathematical Methods 2


MPhys Additional Progression Requirements

Part B to Part C

In order to progress from Part B to Part C the overall average mark for Part B must be at least 50%


MPhys candidates who fail, after any re-assessment

At the discretion of the Programme Board any MPhys candidate who fails, after any re-assessment, at the end of Part C or Part D, who has satisfied the credit requirements for the equivalent BSc award may be awarded that degree, the classification being based on the average mark obtained in Parts B and C in exactly the same way as for the BSc Degree (see table in Section 6 'Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification' below).

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the purposes of Final Degree Classification

Candidates' final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C (and D if applicable). The average percentage mark for each Part will be combined in the ratio specified in the following table.


BSc Candidates

Part B : Part C

40 : 60

MPhys Candidates

Part B : Part C : Part D

20 : 40 : 40


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1. Select programme specification
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