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Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management

Academic Year: 2014/15

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our .

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - pre-2016
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body


Final award MSc/ PGDip / PGCert
Programme title Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Programme code MMPT26 & MMPT27
Length of programme The programme is based at Loughborough and is normally of twelve months’ duration full-time, or over a period of not more than eight years if taken part-time. The maximum period of part-time study for a Diploma is 5 years or 3 years for a Certificate. The full-time programme comprises 120 credits of taught modules, and a 60 credit individual project. The part-time programme comprises 120 credits of taught modules and a 60 credit individual project.
UCAS code
Admissions criteria


Date at which the programme specification was published Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:47:06 BST

1. Programme Aims

  • The aim of this programme is to provide post graduate education and experience in the field of manufacturing technologies and their management.
  • This is intended to provide the basis for effective careers as technologists and managers who can meet the challenges of rapidly changing global manufacturing industries


2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

Benchmark statements for Engineering.

Industry input to steer programme content and delivery has been through an Industrial Liaison Committee which meets annually.

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  • The generic nature of design and the phases and activities within the overall design process.
  • The role of human mental processes in design.
  • The relationships between design manufacturing and commerce and the principles of new product development.
  • Management and business practices (including finance, design management and quality).
  • Basic company accounting.
  • Sustainable development, environmental legislation, resource conservation and design for the environment in a company context.
  • Design and programming of CNC machine tools.
  • Manufacturing system layouts.
  • Manufacturing control systems.
  • The organizational aspects of manufacturing systems
  • The modern global enterprise and its organisation.
  • The effect of national culture upon business performance.
  • IT infrastructure for global operation and the virtual enterprise.
  • The principles of Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, and Rapid Manufacture; their applications and limitations.
  • The role and limitations of integrated software support systems for product design.
  • The capabilities of Product Data Technology.
  • Lean and agile operations’ philosophies.
  • Six sigma systems.
  • Modern distribution systems.
  • Demand management.
  • Team management techniques and practices.
  • The role and limitations of integrated software support systems for product design
  • The influence of characteristic spatial- and time scales within manufacturing systems
  • The physics of manufacturing systems
  • Techniques appropriate for modeling the physics- and organizational aspects of manufacturing systems
  • Knowledge integration issues within manufacturing systems
  • Types of advanced automation systems, along with the relative merits of different systems and their lifecycle support.
  • The appropriate methods for analysis and optimisation of laser processing.
  • Design and programming for computer numerical control.

3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Appreciate the broad range of influences and activities within the design process and explain their significance.
  • Evaluate technical and commercial risk and make decisions based on available information.
  • Identify solutions to engineering problems from a sustainability/environmental standpoint.
  • Evaluate machine tool designs.
  • Design manufacturing cells/systems for new/existing products.
  • Specify and implement a manufacturing system.
  • Create an appropriate organisation for global business.
  • Select on the basis of application and limitations, the most appropriate “rapid” technology.
  • Evaluate the most appropriate software to support concurrent engineering activity.
  • Specify and design an appropriate lean/agile business or distribution system.
  • Evaluate mass-customisation systems.
  • Identify the physical principles underpinning various manufacturing processes, select appropriate modeling techniques and identify the resulting information flows
  • Select manufacturing processes to achieve required product/component attributes
  • Propose and justify methods for the integration of manufacturing processes within a higher level manufacturing system based on required information flows
  • Use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging manufacturing technologies
b. Subject-specific practical skills:

On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to: 

  • Use the design process to plan and carry out projects.
  • Plan and implement reorganisation of a company for increased effectiveness.
  • Select and conduct experimental procedures to support analysis.
  • Generate new ideas and develop and evaluate a range of solutions.
  • Programme various automation systems.
  • Use some of the various rapid prototyping systems and processes.
  • Use appropriate CAE techniques to generate tooling.
  • Use modern information modelling techniques for decision support systems.
  • Design in detail a lean and/or agile business system.
  • Given the required product/component attributes, propose and justify the key elements of an appropriate manufacturing system.
c. Key transferable skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Plan and monitor multi-disciplinary projects.
  • Appreciate the central role of design within engineering.
  • Communicate effectively and make presentations of a technical/business nature to achieve maximum impact.
  • Identify methods to assist in innovation, teamworking and engineering communication.
  • Demonstrate competence in using computer based engineering techniques.
  • Analyse and understand complex engineering problems.
  • Use teamworking skills.
  • Explain the integration of lean/agile systems.


4. Programme structure

  4.1. The modules comprising the programme are: 






Manufacturing System and Process Modelling



Lean & Agile Manufacture



Engineering Management & Business Studies



Product Information Systems – Product Lifecycle Management



The Innovation Process & Project Management



Sustainable Development: The Engineering Context



Major Project (full-time)



Major Project (part-time)



Advanced Manufacturing Processes & Automation



Additive Manufacturing


4.1.1 The School reserves the right to withdraw or make amendments to the list of subjects at the beginning of each session. 

4.1.2  Students may exchange any of the normal modules with modules from another Programme with the agreement of the Postgraduate Programme Director.


4.2 Projects

The taught modules are normally prerequisites for the Project module, which is an individual project under the direction of a supervisor nominated by the Programme Director.

5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

5.1 In order to be eligible for the award, candidates must satisfy the requirements of Regulation XXI.

5.2 Provision will be made in accordance with Regulation XXI Postgraduate Awards for candidates who have the right of re-examination to undergo re-assessment in the University’s special assessment period.

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

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