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Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

MSc Sport Biomechanics

Academic Year: 2018/19

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our .

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution 亚洲情色
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body
Final award MSc
Programme title Sports Biomechanics
Programme code PSPT39 (Full-time), PSPT51 (Part-time)
Length of programme Full-time: one year; Part-time: typically 2 years
UCAS code
Admissions criteria

MSc Full time: 

MSc Part time: 

Date at which the programme specification was published Fri, 07 Dec 2018 09:39:42 GMT

1. Programme Aims

The graduate should be able to start a PhD in Sports Biomechanics with a very sound base and understanding of the research procedure. 

The graduate should be familiar with the type of support that biomechanists provide for sport and be suitable for employment in the field of biomechanics support. 

The graduate should have acquired the knowledge to allow teaching of Sports Biomechanics at the undergraduate level.

2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

Although subject benchmarks are only available for undergraduate degrees, this programme can demonstrate progression from those benchmarks in all areas. 3 examples are provided:

Bench mark: their understanding of the subject through both academic and professional reflective practice.

Not only will the student have to demonstrate their understanding within a framework of critical evaluation and synthesis they will need to be able to integrate relevant ideas from other fields and at times implement totally novel original ideas.


Bench mark: critically interpret data.

As well as being able to appraise the strengths and weaknesses of the analysis techniques involved whilst being able to utilise alternate approaches they will be in the position to evaluate if the original data they have give results that may not have been foreseen by the analysis techniques and posit further novel means of analysis.


Bench mark: communication and presentation skills.

The student should be able to produce a presentation that would be acceptable at a national conference.  They would need to be able to answer skewed and ambiguous questions sensibly with no preparation.

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relationship between forces and the human musculo-skeletal system during dynamic activities in sport. To develop an understanding of the theoretical basis of sports biomechanics analysis. To understand the range of traditional areas from which methods and data are recruited for an integrated solution to analysing human motion.

3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to formulate well posed solvable research questions and develop methods and procedures for answering such questions. Be able to apply critical numerical analyses to problems.

b. Subject-specific practical skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to perform recordings and analyses of sporting movements using synchronised video, force and EMG equipment.  Have an understanding of dynamometer techniques and the use of goniometers.  Be able to examine and model human movement using mechanical and biological principles. Be able to discuss the techniques used in three-dimensional image analysis, segmental inertia determination and computer simulation models. Be able to use this information to provide constructive feedback to coaches, athletes and other researchers for technique improvement and injury prevention.

c. Key transferable skills:

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to apply critical numerical analyses to problems.  Be able to use a range of computer programs and computer devices, along with exposure to computer programming and be familiar with modern electronic recording devices and systems.  Be able to effectively communicate orally, electronically and in writing.


Specific Key skill areas are: 

1)   Managing self-learning

2)   Communication

3)   Information technology

4)   Numeracy

5)   Team Work

4. Programme structure

In the following table, ‘C’ indicates a compulsory module and ‘O’ indicates an optional module:



Module title

Modular weight




Critical Analysis of Biomechanics Research





Orthopaedic Sport Biomechanics





Theoretical Sports Biomechanics





Neuromuscular Function 





Quantitative Research 





Motion Analysis of Human Movement 





Developing Computer Models for Sports Biomechanics 





Research Project: Natural Sciences in Sport and Exercise





* Candidates undertaking a Project need formal approval of a research proposal by the Programme Director and an agreed Supervisor.

5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

In order to be eligible for the award, candidates must satisfy the requirements of Regulation XXI.

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

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