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Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

PhD Water and Waste Infrastructure and Services Engineered for Resilience (Water WISER)

Academic Year: 2019/20

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our .

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution 亚洲情色
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body
Final award PhD, MPhil
Programme title Water and Waste Infrastructure and Services Engineered for Resilience (Water WISER)
Programme code CVRP16
Length of programme 4 years full-time, or up to 8 years part-time. The duration of the taught component is up to two years from registration.
UCAS code
Admissions criteria


Date at which the programme specification was published Sun, 24 Nov 2019 11:54:48 GMT

1. Programme Aims

This four-year programme will train graduates to generate new knowledge about sustainable water, sanitation and waste management infrastructure and services for the poorest and most marginal people in the world. It will be delivered through unique, robust, transdisciplinary cohort-based training and support during a four-year cycle which transforms students into leaders. 

The focus of the programme is on developing the capacity to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries, movement between disciplines will be encouraged. The programme aims to equip students with the skills to design and carry out a research project, resulting in a thesis which will provide a contribution to knowledge and contain original work worthy of publication. 

The programme will provide training in research methods appropriate to water and waste infrastructure and services, and allow students to become well acquainted with the general field of knowledge to which their research project relates. PhD research will be co-designed with and supported by industry partners and implementing agencies to ensure relevance and impact, with studentship funding including provision for up to 6 months in country placement or fieldwork.

2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degrees

Doctoral Degree Characteristics Statement (QAA)

Credit Level Descriptors for Higher Education (SEEC)

亚洲情色 Quadrennial Reviews

Research Council mid-term review.

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

At the completion of this course students will be expected to demonstrate competency and knowledge in all core engineering specialisations and a deep knowledge and understanding of at least one of these; competency and knowledge of at least 3 technical and research skill areas; and mastery of a range of professional skills including: problem solving, communication, data driven decision making, collaboration, partnerships, co-production, planning, use of ICT, data collection, data analysis, mentoring, conflict resolution, ethics in research and practice, research commercialization and securitization, entrepreneurship, marketing.

3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:

See above

b. Subject-specific practical skills:

See above


c. Key transferable skills:

See above


4. Programme structure

Cohort training and team building – Years 1-4

To ensure cohesion within and between cohorts, and to build professional skills, a structured programme of cohort support and development will be provided through an annual cycle of events which starts on day 1. Training has two primary objectives, to build the cohort network and to develop skills. Skills development will be to broaden student capabilities and will include inter alia, team building, presentation, risk management, data management, big data handling, negotiation and conflict resolution, commercial awareness, contracting and participatory development as per the Vitae Researcher Developer Framework (2010).

It is anticipated that all currently enrolled students will be together up to five times during each year of study, hosted at a partner institution: the annual team building event (September), Challenge week (January), Summer conference (July), and Biannual professional networking typically May and November.

Part R0

Students will complete the following:

Commence consultation with potential supervisors and industry/impact partners to identify and agree on the research topic.

Up to 120 credits in modular courses during years 1 and 2 assessed in accordance with Regulation XXI which will include: A minimum of 60 credits in year one and up to 60 credits in year two.

Modules available for selection:

CVP410 Management of Water and Environmental Sanitation Services or CVP430 Management of Water and Environmental Sanitation Services (DL)

CVP411 Water and the Natural Environment

CVP412 Management of Village Water Services or CVP432 Management of Village Water Services (DL)

CVP414 Household and Communal Sanitation Management or CVP434 Household and Communal Sanitation Management

CVP415 Management and Operation of Water Utilities or CVP 435 Management and Operation of Water Utilities

CVP416 Urban Sanitation Management

CVP407 Disaster Risk Management

CVP408 Humanitarian WASH

In the event that a student has already studied these or equivalent modules then alternative modules may be agreed at the discretion of the Programme Director. The structured training programme must be agreed by the Programme Director and agreed with the CDT management team via the Programme Director. 

Students are also required to complete the following compulsory taught level 5 research module, Water WISER Research skills training which will be taught face to face at one of the partner institutions.

Students will also complete compulsory training events; annual team building; challenge week; conference and two professional networking events.

At the end of year one the Water WISER Management Team will assess the performance of the student on the basis of the module assessment, required training and other activities. Candidates are required to pass 60 credits of taught modules and to have made substantial progress in identification of a PhD research topic, supervisory team and industry/impact partners in order to progress on the programme. Students must submit a draft research plan which will be assessed by the supervisory team and an independent reviewer at month 6. A final draft PhD research proposal, including a budget which has been agreed by the supervisory team and an independent reviewer will be submitted to the CDT management team for approval at month 12. The CDT Management board recommendation will be submitted to the School Progression Board for approval. 

Part R1

Students will complete the following:

Candidates may study up to 60 credits of taught modules (see above) 

Students will also complete compulsory training events; annual team building; challenge week; conference and two professional networking events. 

Submission of a 2,000-word research report at the mid-way point of Part 1 and submission of a satisfactory 10,000-word research report (end of Part report) towards the end of Part 1 in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXVI. 

Part R2 

Students will complete the following: 

PhD candidates - Submission of a satisfactory 10,000-word research report (end of Part report) towards the end of Part 2 in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXVI. 

MPhil candidates: Submission of their formal MPhil thesis for examination in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXVI. 

Part R3 

Students will complete the following: 

PhD candidates: Submission of their formal PhD thesis for examination in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXVI.


5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

To progress from Part R0 to Part R1, from Part R1 to Part R2 and from Part R2 to Part R3 and to be eligible for an award, candidates must satisfy the assessment requirements set out in Regulation XXVI. Candidates much complete all the requirements for each Part outlined above in order to progress to the next Part. If an end of Part report does not meet the standards required for progression, candidates may undertake further work and resubmit the report on one occasion only in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXVI.

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

Not applicable.

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