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LE11 3TU
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Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

Mathematics UG Programmes (2019 entry)

Academic Year: 2019/20

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our .

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution 亚洲情色
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department Department of Mathematical Sciences
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body
Final award MMath and BSc
Programme title Mathematics;
Mathematics with Economics;
Financial Mathematics;
Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management;
Mathematics and Sport Science;
Mathematics with Statistics
Programme code See Programme Structure
Length of programme
UCAS code See Programme Structure
Admissions criteria

Date at which the programme specification was published Fri, 02 Aug 2019 11:21:11 BST

1. Programme Aims


Programme Aims MAUB10 Mathematics BSc:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To provide students with in-depth training in advanced techniques of modern mathematics.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.

Programme Aims MAUM10 Mathematics MMath:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To provide students with in-depth training in advanced techniques of modern mathematics.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.
  • To provide students with a solid foundation for PhD programmes in this and other Universities.

Programme Aims MAUB20 Mathematics with Economics BSc:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To provide a comprehensive education in economics and in financial mathematics.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.

Programme Aims MAUB21 Financial Mathematics BSc:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To provide a comprehensive education in financial mathematics and in economics.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.

Programme Aims MAUB23 Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To develop a deep understanding and apply skills from accounting, business and financial management.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.

Programme Aims MAUB25 Mathematics and Sport Science BSc:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To introduce students to a broad sport science curriculum grounded in the study of sport, exercise science and pedagogy.
  • To provide students with in-depth training in advanced techniques of modern mathematics.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.

Programme Aims MAUB29 Mathematics with Statistics BSc:

  • To ensure students have a thorough grounding in the fundamental branches of mathematics and statistics and allow students to meet their own aspirations, interests and educational needs through module selection.
  • To provide students with in-depth training in advanced techniques of modern mathematics.
  • To enhance student's intellectual skills associated with problem solving, rigorous argument and communication of mathematical concepts.
  • To prepare students to embark on research in mathematics and statistics.
  • To educate new mathematicians to meet the needs of employers in industry, finance, education, academic research and public service.

2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

  • The Benchmark Statement for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (MSOR)
  • Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
  • 亚洲情色’s Learning and Teaching Strategy
  • School Assessment Policy and Assessment Strategy
  • Annual and Periodic Programme Review
  • External Examiners’ reports
  • Staff/student committees
  • The particular specialisms of the School’s staff

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of all mathematics programmes, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

K1       The core discipline of Calculus

K2       The core discipline of Linear Algebra

K3       The role of proof and deductive reasoning in mathematics

K4       The formulation of problems in mathematical form

K5       A range of analytical, numerical and qualitative techniques

In addition, for Mathematics BSc (MAUB10):

K6       The processes and pitfalls of mathematical approximation

In addition, for Mathematics MMath (MAUM10):

K6       The processes and pitfalls of mathematical approximation

K7       A higher-level of understanding in one or more areas of mathematics

In addition, for Mathematics with Economics BSc (MAUB20):

K14     A coherent core of economic principles

K15     The application of economics

In addition, for Financial Mathematics BSc (MAUB21):

K14     A coherent core of economic principles

K16     A coherent core of principles in finance

K17     The principles of stochastic processes and their application to financial markets

In addition, for Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc (MAUB23):

K6       The processes and pitfalls of mathematical approximation

K25     Business organisations in their technological, economic, fiscal, legal and political contexts

K26     Accounting and financial management in their major contexts, including the legal and social environments, the business entity and capital markets and the integral nature of the accounting function in the successful management of organisations.

K27     Current technical language, developments, methods, practices and issues in accounting and financial management

K28     Selected alternative techniques and practices in accounting and financial management

K29     Methods of recording and summarising economic events and preparation of financial statements

K30     Analytical tools for the effective financial management of business operations

K31     Contemporary theories of accounting and financial management and their related research evidence

In addition, for Mathematics and Sport Science BSc (MAUB25):

K6       The processes and pitfalls of mathematical approximation

K32     key subject-specific terminology, concepts and models in the core disciplines of physiology,  biomechanics, and psychology;

K33     methods, theories and empirical findings related to the study of participants (e.g. athletes, patients and the wider population) in sport and exercise contexts, and how such study informs the performance, health and well-being of stakeholders in such contexts;

K34     research design (including safety, risk, and ethical considerations), measurement techniques, and the nature and appropriate statistical analysis of data including qualitative and quantitative methods;

K35     the physiological limitations to performance in sport and exercise, and the chronic physiological adaptations (including mechanisms of adaptation) to exercise and training;

K36     the links between human nutrition, metabolism, performance and health in sport and exercise;

K37     the mechanics of human motion, especially as related to sporting performance;

K38     the mechanisms involved in the control of human movement with particular reference to sports movements;

K39     the psychological and behavioural theories and principles that relate to sport performance and exercise participation;

In addition, for Mathematics with Statistics BSc (MAUB29):

K6       The processes and pitfalls of mathematical approximation

K11     How to understand and manage variability through the science of data investigation

K12     Probability-based models and their uses for making inferences from samples.

K13     Fundamental concepts of statistics and inference


3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:

On successful completion of all mathematics programmes, students should be able to: 

C1       Construct and develop logical mathematical arguments with clear identification of assumptions and conclusions

C2       Comprehend problems, abstract the essentials of problems and formulate them mathematically


In addition, for Mathematics MMath (MAUM10):

C4       Develop and/or apply ideas in an original fashion, often within a research context

In addition, for Mathematics with Economics BSc (MAUB20):

C7       Critically analyse economic principles and problems

In addition, for Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc (MAUB23):

C10     Relate theory to practice in business and management

C12     Analyse, model and solve structured and unstructured problems

 In addition, for Mathematics and Sport Science BSc (MAUB25):

C13     apply knowledge and understanding of essential facts, key concepts, principles and theories to solve problems and debate critical issues within the subject area

C14     critically assess and interpret evidence derived from sport and exercise related enquiry;

C15     critically reflect upon approaches to the acquisition, interpretation and analysis of information in a variety of sport and exercise contexts;

C16     identify and solve scientific problems in Sport and Exercise Science;

C17     collate, critically evaluate and interpret scientific Sport and Exercise Science information and arguments in a coherent and organised way appropriately adapted to a specific type of audience;

In addition, for Mathematics with Statistics BSc (MAUB29):

C18     Describe and comment on sources of variability in data

C19     Evaluate the quality of data and data analysis

b. Subject-specific practical skills:

On successful completion of the Mathematics BSc (MAUB10) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P2       Apply knowledge of key mathematical concepts and topics to problems in mathematics and its applications

P3       Apply appropriate computer software to aid the solution of mathematical problems

On successful completion of the Mathematics MMath (MAUM10) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P2       Apply knowledge of key mathematical concepts and topics to problems in mathematics and its applications

P3       Apply appropriate computer software to aid the solution of mathematical problems

P4       Apply knowledge and problem-solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments

On successful completion of the Mathematics with Economics BSc (MAUB20) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P3       Apply appropriate computer software to aid the solution of mathematical problems

P10     Apply core economic theory and economic reasoning to applied topics

P11     Construct economic and statistical models

On successful completion of the Financial Mathematics BSc (MAUB21) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P3       Apply appropriate computer software to aid the solution of mathematical problems

P12     Apply the techniques of stochastic analysis that are used to model financial markets

On successful completion of the Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc (MAUB23) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P3       Apply appropriate computer software to aid the solution of mathematical problems

P14     Formulate and solve problems in accounting and finance using appropriate tools

P15     Record and summarise transactions and other economic events

P16     Prepare financial statements

P17     Use appropriate analytical tools for accounting and financial management tasks

On successful completion of the Mathematics and Sport Science BSc (MAUB25) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P18     observe, record and critically evaluate human performance in a range of sport and exercise contexts;

P19     apply a broad range of laboratory and field-based practical investigative techniques to the study of sport and exercise, including data collection, data analysis, statistical evaluation, hypotheses formulating and testing;

 P20    apply health, safety and ethical considerations to sport and exercise experimentation, research and professional practice;

 P21    demonstrate effective interpersonal skills appropriate for working in sport and exercise contexts;

On successful completion of the Mathematics with Statistics BSc (MAUB29) programme, students should be able to:

P1       Select and apply appropriate mathematical tools to solve problems

P2       Apply knowledge of key mathematical concepts and topics to problems in mathematics and its applications

P3       Apply appropriate computer software to aid the solution of mathematical problems

P6       Select and apply appropriate statistical tools to solve problems

P7       Design experimental and observational studies and anaylse the data resulting from them

P8       Apply knowledge of key statistical concepts and topics to problems              

P9       Communicate the results of statistical investigation clearly and accurately

c. Key transferable skills:

On successful completion of all mathematics programmes, students should be able to:

T1        Learn independently using a variety of media

T2        Manage time effectively and organise and prioritise tasks

T3        Apply highly-developed numeracy skills in a range of contexts

T4        Work competently with IT

T5        Communicate complex information effectively


In addition, for Mathematics MMath (MAUM10):

T6        亚洲情色 in a manner that is largely self-directed


In addition, for Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc (MAUB23):

T9        Communicate quantitative and qualitative information, analysis, argument and conclusions in effective ways

T10     Gather relevant data and evidence from various sources, integrate them appropriately and reference sources appropriately

T11     Critically evaluate arguments and evidence

T12     generate, organise, analyse and interpret qualitative, numerical, statistical or other forms of data effectively;

T13     demonstrate computer literacy with respect to relevant and widely used word-processing, database and analytic software packages and resources;

T14     use electronic and other resources to search for, identify and organise information from library books, journals, and appropriate online sources;

T15     work independently and in groups to solve problems, find alternative solutions, reach common goals and evaluate outcomes;

T16     deploy critical judgements and evaluations to arrive at supported conclusions;

T17     learn independently and pragmatically and take responsibility for their own learning and skill development.    

4. Programme structure

Programme title and code

Programme Code




Mathematics BSc



Mathematics MMath


Mathematics with Economics

M w Ec


Financial Mathematics



Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management



Mathematics and Sport Science

M & SS


Mathematics with Statistics 

M w Stats


Programme UCAS Codes



BSc with DPS


MMath with DPS






Mathematics with Economics





Financial Mathematics





Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management





Mathematics and Sport Science





Mathematics with Statistics








Programme Structure 


x          Compulsory Module

o          Optional Module

*           Module is compulsory for MMath Candidates

#          Module available to BSc candidates only

BSc Prj      BSc Candidates must register for either MAC300 BSc Mathematics Project (20 credits) in Semesters 1 and 2 or MAC200 Mathematics Report (10 credits) in Semester 2. In order to study MAC300 candidates will normally be required to have achieved a Part B average >60%. MMath candidates do not study MAC300 or MAC200.

MMath Prj    MMath Candidates must take MACxxx Advanced Mathematics Report in Part C.

o>=n   Indicates the minimum number of optional module credits to be taken in that subject (subject indicated by first two letters of module code) excluding any compulsory modules in taht subject (if appicable).

Total Modular Weighting per Semester

Students normally study modules with a total weight of 60 in each semester.  However, in Part C, students may be allowed to study modules up to a total weight of 70 in a semester, 120 in the Part, subject to the consent of the Director of Studies. 

Optional Modules

Optional modules are subject to availability and timetable permitting.

Modules may be offered in both Parts B and C, but may only be taken in Part C if not taken in Part B. 

In accordance with the University credit framework, students in Part C of their programme may choose a maximum of 30 credits of Part B modules.  The remaining 90 credits must be from Part C modules as listed in this document.


4.1         Part A
Code Module Title Cred Sem Math M w Ec FM MAFM M & SS M w Stats
MAA140 Analysis 1 10 1 x x x     x
MAA142 Linear Algebra 1 10 1 x x x x x x
MAA145 Mathematical Thinking 10 1 x         x
MAA150 Mathematical Methods 1 10 1 x x x x x x
MAA360 Computing and Numerical Methods 20 1&2 x         x
MAA240 Analysis 2 10 2 x x x     x
MAA242 Geometry and Groups 10 2 x         x
MAA250 Mathematical Methods 2 10 2 x x x x x x
MAA241 Linear Algebra 2 10 2 x x x x x x
MAA251 Mechanics 10 2 x  x  x  x  x x
MAA270 Introductory Probability and Statistics 10 1 x x x x x x
BSA013 Principles of Financial Accounting 10 1       x    
BSA020 Microeconomics for Financial Studies 10 1       x    
BSA014 Financial Accounting & Analysis 10 2       x    
BSA019 Accounting in Context 10 2       x    
BSA022 Macroeconomics for Financial Studies 10 2       x    
BSA025 Introduction to Law 10 1       x    
ECA001 Principles of Macroeconomics 20 1 & 2   x x      
ECA002 Principles of Microeconomics 20 1 & 2   x x      
PSA606 Anatomy and Physiology 1 20 1 & 2         x  
PSA721 Introduction to Sport Biomechanics and Kinesiology 20 1 & 2          
PSA026 Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 20 2         x  




4.2         Part B
Code Name Cred Sem Math M w Ec FM   MAFM M & SS M w Stats
MAA143 Analysis 1 10 1       x x  
MAA145 Mathematical Thinking 10 1   o        
MAA360 Computing and Numerical Methods 20 1&2   o        
MAA243 Analysis 2 10 2       x x  
MAB120 Communicating Mathematics 10 2 x         x
MAB130 An Introduction to Mathematics Education 10 2 o          
MAB141 Analysis 3 10 1 x o x     x
MAB151 Mathematical Methods 3 10 1 x x x x x x
MABxxx Rings and Polynomials 10 1 x o       o
MAB170 Probability Theory 10 1 x x x x x x
MAB171 Applied Statistics 10 1 o o       x
MAB197 Introduction to Differential Geometry 10 1 x         o
MAB241 Complex Analysis 10 2 x x   x
MAB250 ODEs & Calculus of Variations 10 2 x   x
MAB255 Analytical Dynamics 10 2 x         o
MAB270 Statistical Modelling 10 2 o x x o o x
MAB280 Introduction to Stochastic Processes 10 2 o x x o   x
MAB298 Elements of Topology 10 2 x       o o
MABxxx Advanced Numerical Methods 10 2 o         o
xxBxxx Another Part B level Module from the University Undergraduate Catalogue subject to approval by Programme Director or a module from the University Wide Language Programme or Business School Open Modules  10 1 o          o
xxBxxx Another Part B level Module from the University Undergraduate Catalogue subject to approval by Programme Director or a module from the University Wide Language Programme or Business School Open Modules  10 2 o         o
BSB005 Management Accounting 20 1 & 2       x    
BSB015 Company Law 10 1       x    
BSB007 Financial Reporting 10 2       x    
BSB025 Financial Management 10 1       x    
BSB027 Financial Markets and Derivatives Fundamentals 10 2       x    
ECB001 Intermediate Macroeconomics 20 1 & 2   o>=20 x      
ECB002 Intermediate Microeconomics 20 1 & 2   o>=20 x      
ECB003 Introduction to Econometrics 20 1 & 2   o>=20        
ECB004 Introduction to Financial Economics 20 1 & 2     x      
PSBxxx Physiology of Exercise and Training 20 1 & 2         x  
PSBxxx Biomechanics of Sport 20 1 & 2         x  
PSBxxx Expert Performance of Sport 20 1 & 2         x  




4.3 Part C                
Code Name Cr Sem Math M w Ec FM MA FM M & SS M w Stats
MAB141 Analysis 3 10 1    o>=60   o>=50 o  
MAB150 Vector Calculus 10 1   o>=60  
MABxxx Rings and Polynomials 10 1    o>=60 o>=30      
MAB171 Applied Statistics 10 1   o>=60 o>=30      
MAB130 Introduction to Mathematics Education 10 1  o       o o
MABxxx Advanced Numerical Methods 10 2   o>=60 o>=30      
MAB241 Complex Analysis 10 2     o>=30      
MAB250 ODEs and Calculus of Variations 10 2   o>=60       o
MAC147 Number Theory 10 1 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o o
MAC148 Introduction to Dynamical Systems 10 1 o   o>=30 o>=50 o o
MAC175 Operational Research 10 1 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o x
MAC176 Graph Theory 10 1 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o
MAC180 Discrete Stochastic Methods in Finance 10 1 o o>=60 x o>=50   o
MAC142 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 10 1 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o  
MAC170 Medical Statistics  10  2  o        o x
MAC200 Mathematics Report 10 2 x BSc Prj          
MAC2xx Advanced Mathematics Report 10 2 xMMath Prj          
MAC233 Studies in Science and Mathematics Education 10 2 o o>=60   o>=50 o
MAC251 Vibrations and Waves 10 2 o         o
MAC265 Game Theory 10 2 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o o
MAC272 Random Processes and Time Series Analysis 10 2 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o x
MAC280 Continuous Stochastic Methods in Finance 10 2 o o>=60 x o>=50   o
MAC297 Mathematical Biology 10 2 o   o>=30 o>=50 o o
MAC298 Elements of Topology 10 2 o o>=60 o>=30 o>=50 o o
MAC300 BSc Mathematics Project 20 1 & 2 x BSc Prj          
MAC302 Statistics Project 30 1 & 2           x
xxCxxx Another Part C level Module from the University Undergraduate Catalogue subject to approval by Programme Director or a module from the University Wide Language Programme or Business School Open Modules  10 1 o         o
xxCxxx Another Part C level Module from the University Undergraduate Catalogue subject to approval by Programme Director or a module from the University Wide Language Programme or Business School Open Modules  10 2 o         o
COB106 Formal Languages and Theory of Computation 10 1 o         o
BSC005 Financial Reporting: Theory and Practice 10 1       x    
BSC007 Management Accounting and Control Systems 10 1       x    

Strategic Management Accounting and Performance

10  2          
BSC015 Financial Management and Corporate Policy 10 1       o>=50    
BSC018 Behavioural Finance 10 2       o>=50    
BSC019 Multinational Financial Management 10 2       o>=50    
BSC042 Corporate & Wholesale Banking 10 2       o>=50    
BSC520 Business Systems 10 1       o>=50    
BSC522 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 10 1       o>=50    
ECC013 International Economic Relations 20 1 & 2   o>=40        
ECC014 Economics of the Financial System 20 1 & 2   o>=40 o      
ECC004 Financial Economics and Asset Pricing 20 1     x      
ECC038 Applied Econometrics 20 1   o>=40        
ECC035 Central Banking and Financial Crises 20 2   o>=40        
ECC101 Developments in Macroeconomics 20 1   o>=40        
ECC001 Developments in Microeconomics 20 1   o>=40        
ECC005 Industrial Economics 20 2   o>=40        
ECC141 Corporate Finance and Derivatives 20 2     x      
PSCxxx Physiology of Sport, Exercise and Health 20 1 & 2         x  
PSCxxx Advanced Sports Biomechanics 20 1 & 2         x  
PSCxxx Applied Psychology in Competitive Sport 20 1 & 2         x  



4.4    Part D







MMath Mathematics Project


1 & 2



Regular and Chaotic Dynamics





Lie Groups and Lie Algebras





Nonlinear Waves





Functional Analysis





Programming and Numerical Methods





Introduction to Measure Theory and Martingales





Mathematical Modelling I





Stochastic Models in Finance





Elements of Partial Differential Equations





Static and Dynamic Optimisation





Stochastic Calculus and Theory of Stochastic Pricing





Mathematical Modelling II





Fluid Mechanics





5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

In order to progress from Part A to Part B, from Part B to C, from C to D (if applicable) and to be eligible for the award of an Honours degree, candidates must satisfy the minimum credit requirements set out in Regulation XX. 

5.1          Progression for Mathematics BSc, Mathematics with Economics BSc, Financial Mathematics BSc, Mathematics with Statistics BSc

Part A to Part B

Candidates must, in addition, achieve at least 40% in 3 out of 4 core Mathematics Modules MAA140 Analysis 1, MAA150 Mathematical Methods 1, MAA142 Linear Algebra, MAAxxx Linear Algebra 2. 

5.2          Progression for Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc

Part A to Part B; candidates must, in addition, achieve at least 40% in core Mathematics Modules MAA150 Mathematical Methods 1, MAA142 Linear Algebra 1, and MAAxxx Linear Algebra 2 and in the core Business module BSA019.

Part B to Part C; candidates must, in addition, accumulate at least 40 credits from Mathematics modules (coded MA****) and at least 40 credits from Business School modules (coded BS****) taken in Part B.  In addition candidates must achieve at least 30% in BSB005 (Management Accounting) and BSB007 (Financial Reporting).

To pass Part C; candidates must, in addition, accumulate at least 30 Credits from Mathematics modules (coded MA****) and at least 30 credits from Business School modules (coded BS****) taken in Part C. 

5.3      Progression for Mathematics and Sport Science

Part A to Part B

Candidates must, in addition, achieve at least 40% in core Mathematics Modules, MAA150 Mathematical Methods 1, MAA142 Linear Algebra 1 and MAAxxx Linear Algebra 2.


5.4 MMath candidates who fail at the end of Part A, B, C or Part D.

A MMath candidate may elect to enter Part B/C of the BSc degree programme in Mathematics provided that the candidate has achieved the criteria for progression required for that programme.  Failure at re-assessment will not prejudice this permission to enter the BSc degree programme subsequently.

Any MMath candidate who fails to achieve the criteria for progression from Part C to Part D shall have the opportunity to repeat Module Assessments in accordance with the provision of Regulation XX in order to qualify to progress to Part D.  The Programme Board may at its discretion award the degree of BSc in Mathematics to any candidate who has satisfied the requirements for that degree.  Failure at re-assessment will not prejudice the candidate's eligibility for such an award.

Any candidate who, having successfully completed Part C, is unable to commence or complete Part D or fails to achieve the criteria necessary for the award of the degree of MMath in Mathematics may at the discretion of the Programme Board be awarded the degree of BSc in Mathematics with a classification corresponding to the candidate's achievement in Part B and C assessments and determined on the basis of the weightings given for the BSc programme (below).

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

Candidates' final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C (and D if applicable). The average percentage mark for each Part will be combined in the ratio specified in the following table. 

BSc Candidates

Part B : Part C

1 : 3

Mathematics MMath Candidates

Part B : Part C : Part D

1 : 3 : 4


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