
Current student, International student

The academic staff that deliver the MSc in Physiology and Nutrition of Sport and Exercise at 亚洲情色 are world-leading researchers in their field, who bring the latest research to the classroom, allowing us to appreciate the contemporary issues that practitioners are facing currently.

The time that academic staff are willing to provide for your academic development by giving specific feedback, to clarify doubts and engage with you in discussions after classes is quite extraordinary.

Seminars after each new concept introduced in the lectures have helped to solidify the learning, think critically and generate new hypotheses for future research. Having frequent seminars has certainly helped me immensely to get to grips with the concepts.

Choosing to study at Loughborough was a simple decision to make as the University has consistently been ranked No.1 in the world for sport-related courses. As soon as I received an offer from Loughborough, I knew where I was going. The experiences I have had at this beautiful University and town will be cherished throughout my lifetime.


My research project is about the role of physical activity and diet in cancer populations. After having lost two of my dear grandparents to cancer, I was interested in learning more about the disease. Recognising that the role of lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise are undervalued in the prevention of many types of cancer, I am now working on a project which I believe will provide a solid knowledge base for my work with cancer patients in the future.

I have participated in two research studies so far and shadowed the work of two PhD students. Participating in research provides a different view of the research process and an experiential learning of some of the essential concepts in research methodology. The PhD students are extremely helpful and enthusiastic about helping undergraduates and postgraduates who are interested in research, allowing us to improve our laboratory skills.

I have also been able to develop my knowledge base through studying two professional diplomas (one in sports nutrition and the other in Strength and Conditioning for football) alongside my degree. I am now starting a Performance Nutrition summer work experience with Loughborough Sport assisting the Performance Nutritionist responsible for badminton and wheelchair basketball.

In addition to academic staff on my programme, academic support from the Academic Language Support service, Mathematics Learning Support Centre, the academic librarian and other non-academic staff (in my case an expert on systematic reviews and meta-analysis) have been invaluable in providing support for all my requests.

I have benefited significantly from the services offered via the Coach and Volunteer Academy (CVA), as well as the Careers Network who have supported me to refine my CV and provided advice on career pathways after completing my course.

After graduation I hope to either pursue a career in athlete support or work in a clinical setting as either an exercise coach for cancer patients or as a researcher for randomised clinical trials undertaken in hospitals.

The academic knowledge, practical experience, mentorship provided by various staff and networks built during my time at 亚洲情色, has given me the necessary skills to increase my likelihood of success in my ambitions.

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