Melis Rumenova

Current student, International student

Subject area

The best thing about being a student in general is the people that you meet, but at 亚洲情色, you are lucky because you get to meet so many incredible people. It gives you the opportunity to develop yourself in both academic and non-academic ways.

What attracted you to 亚洲情色?

Having visited the Loughborough campus and spoken to the admissions team for the Chemistry department, I realised that I would really enjoy furthering my studies at 亚洲情色. The facilities within the Chemistry department, especially the labs, are amazing and you have a lot of opportunities to have hands-on experience with cutting edge technology, which is a plus for career prospects post-studies.

Why did you choose to study Pharmaceutical Science and Medicinal Chemistry?

I studied BSc Chemistry previously and wanted a career in medicinal chemistry, specifically in drug development. So, I chose to specialise in this area by completing a postgraduate degree.

What were you doing before your master's degree?

I completed my studies at Yildiz Technical University, Turkey in June 2020 and moved to the United Kingdom in the same year. During the period between finishing my bachelors and starting my master's, I settled in the UK, worked several jobs to save up the funds required during my studies, carried out research into institutions which were suitable for my goals and started my course the following academic year (September 2021).

What do you enjoy most about your course?

As a person who enjoys laboratory work, Loughborough has provided me with a lot of opportunities to spend time in laboratories which I thoroughly enjoyed. I had previous experience with machines such as HPLC and mass spectrometry, but the facilities at Loughborough allowed me to sharpen my skills in using those pieces of equipment and furthered my understanding of them.

I really enjoyed the 'Innovation in Analytical Chemistry' module. This was an area which I had no prior knowledge in. Reading about it and learning a subject which was very novel to me both increased my scope in chemistry and allowed me to learn something totally different within my area of interest.

How did you find the adjustment to life as a postgraduate student?

Although I took a gap year between my bachelors and master's, this did not affect me adversely at all. I think my passion for medicine and chemistry allowed me to quickly adjust back into academic life. The campus at Loughborough has also helped greatly as I enjoy spending time here.

What do you think of the teaching quality and facilities?

As I have previously mentioned, the facilities at 亚洲情色 are excellent. The Chemistry department is very well funded and the laboratories show that. The academic staff are generally very experienced in their fields and are happy to provide feedback when asked.

What have you found challenging, and what kind of support have you received from your department and/or the University?

As an international student who completed their bachelors abroad, it was initially challenging to adopt to the requirements of the academic staff on assignments, but the staff were quick in explaining the requirements and I was able to adjust very quickly.

What do you hope to do when you graduate, and how will your Loughborough degree support this?

I would like to have a career in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically in cancer research. This has been a passion of mine for a very long time and the University has already allowed me to team up with an industry-leading partner in writing my master’s thesis. The connections between 亚洲情色 and the industry will be a contributing factor in realising my ambitions.

What would you say to someone considering your course?

You will enjoy the facilities, meet great people, spend time on a lovely campus while also studying at a top university. But also, be ready for a challenging workload.

What is your favourite thing about being a Loughborough student?

The best thing about being a student in general is the people that you meet, but at 亚洲情色, you are lucky because you get to meet so many incredible people. It gives you the opportunity to develop yourself in both academic and non-academic ways.

Melis Rumenova
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