Amie Woodyatt

English BA

Why did you choose to study at 亚洲情色?

I'd decided that Loughborough was for me once I'd seen the course modules, as they looked perfect for my interests.

Visiting twice on open days made my conviction to study at Loughborough stronger as the lecturers were helpful, even advising me on A Level coursework references, and the department seemed close-knit and friendly. 

What's your favourite thing about Loughborough?

The extracurricular activities, particularly Loughborough Students' Union Media.

In my first year I tried out several positions with them, but settled into Label, the student-run magazine. I'm now the Editor and produce daily content which is eye-opening, challenging and gives me plenty of opportunities to meet new people.

It's also great to take a break from my degree with something that people have complimented me on. Label have produced some brilliant content this year, and the team have had praise from students, staff and the public alike. 

Why did you decide to study your course?

I'm not completely decided on what career I'd like in the future.

By choosing a mix of academic and creative modules throughout my degree, I'm hoping to gain a high level of skills such as: communication, digital, humanities and creative ability.

Due to the range of modules, English leaves my career path quite broad, which is perfect for me. 

What do you enjoy the most about your course?

The individuality of the module coursework, and the openness of lecturers.

In first year during 'Narrative Forms and Fiction', I was torn between writing an essay on DC's 'Watchmen', or writing an original short story.

When discussing with my lecturer, she proposed that I create an extract of an original comic; a new brief was made for the coursework, and I achieved my highest mark of the year. 

What do you think of the teaching quality and facilities?

Lecturers in the English department are brilliant; whether I've had personal or academic issues, I feel comfortable discussing things through with them.

Of those who I have had more meetings with, they have taken time to help me through essays, organisation, or just chat about Loughborough which adds to the friendly atmosphere in the department.

The small department also means that everyone is close together, so if I am working in the breakout space I can easily bump into anyone. 

Did you have a particular favourite module/project on your course? If so, what?

My favourite project was when we had a brief to create a promotional booklet which was designed in Adobe InDesign.

Throughout the project I've improved my skills with the Adobe Suite, which is completely different to the typical academic side of English, but is completely new to me, making it super interesting. 

What kind of support have you had in the School, and from the University?

This year especially, I have accepted more support for mental health, and the department have been incredibly supportive. 

Lecturers have encouraged me to take time for myself and to work around times which suit me. While I occasionally need to take days off, I know that I can contact my lecturers to discuss what I've missed and what I can do to stay up to date.

It's also great to know that I always have my department to go to. 

What do you hope to do when you graduate, and how will your degree support this?

While I'm currently unsure of exactly what I want to do, I'm enjoying my editorial work with Label, so journalism is a possibility for my future career. English supports this as I'm constantly reading, writing and editing. Alongside this, I'm keeping to word counts and researching other's views.

The communication and digital aspects of my degree also keep my skills relevant and open for multiple disciplines. 

If you could give one piece of advice to someone thinking about coming to Loughborough, what would it be?

Do it. Like any other university, Loughborough offers degrees, but they also offer support, a huge range of extracurricular activities, and across-the-board high league table rankings.

You don't just study at Loughborough, you can write for a magazine, learn kickboxing, or join a fighting robot society - whatever floats your boat.

It's also a green and open campus, so there are plenty of places to work, walk and try new things.

For English especially, the campus offers a friendly department and a large library, with an amazing team of lecturers.

Definitely come to Loughborough and make sure to get involved. 

Has Loughborough inspired you? If so, how?

Loughborough students, staff and alumni have inspired me to try everything that the University and Union have to offer.

Since first year, alongside my degree, I've got involved with my Hall Committee, LSU Media, committees within the Union, and department events.

Through all of this, I've networked with a variety of people and, best of all, I have helped freshers settle in and find their feet.