ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« academics head to COP27 to showcase sustainable energy research with potential to benefit millions worldwide

Academics from the Centre for Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment, Resilience (STEER) at ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« will showcase their pioneering research to a global audience this month, as part of the events being hosted in Egypt to mark COP27.

STEER brings together two multi-million-pound international research initiatives –  (MECS) and  (CCG) – to support low carbon development and investment in green infrastructure in developing countries.The MECS programme, funded by UK Aidis transforming the sustainable cooking sector from biomass to cleaner modern energy cooking systems. The CCG programme, which is funded by the UK’s Foreign Development and Commonwealth Office (FCDO), supports investment in sustainable energy and transport systems to meet development priorities in the Global South. 

At COPon 12th NovemberProfessor Ed Brown, the co-director of STEER and MECS’ Research Director, will co-lead a sessionin the , which will be the main hub at COP for discussing and showcasing how to unite global efforts on energy, climate and development.  

The session – ‘ – will bring together utilities, high-level government representatives, development banks and philanthropic organisations to discuss how a pivot to cooking with electricity, known ase-Cookingcan leverage the investments made in infrastructure improvements to rapidly expand the levels of cooking with electricity. The session will also highlight how e-Cooking can be incorporated into emerging processes of integrated energy planning.   

The SDG7 Pavilion is being hosted by Sustainable Energy for All – an international organisation that works in partnership with the United Nations and leaders in government, the private sector, financial institutions and beyond to drive faster action towards the achievement of SDG7.  calls for “affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030.  

Professor Brown says: “The Modern Energy Cooking Services research programme was established to accelerate the transition on a global scale away from the use of traditional biomass fuels in cooking to cleaner eCooking 

Evidence increasingly showthatenergy efficient electric cooking devices are viable, cost effective and that users like themWe need tomake sure that modern energy cooking services are integrated into the planning for electricity access, quality, reliability and sustainability, to leverage investment in renewable energies (both grid and off-grid) to address the clean cooking challenge. 

Alongside the central events at COP, the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme will host a series of Side Events from 7th to 11th November under the theme ‘’. Bringing together global experts and policy practitioners, the events will include sessions on decision-making tools, finance andtransport,as well as presentations oneCooking, chaired byProfessor Ed Brown from ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« 

At the first session on 7th November, we’ll draw on the emerging work of both MECS and CCG in Kenya to talk about the implications of scaling upeCooking on overall electricity demand, grid stability and decarbonization strategies,” says Professor BrownThe second session on 9th Novemberwill focus on financing the transition to low-carbon cooking. 

“Events such as those we’re participating in at COP enable us to show,to those in positions of real influence,how the work that both MECS and CCG are undertakingcan support countries’ low carbon development and investment in green infrastructure, and how it has the potential to make a positive difference to the lives of millions around the world.”